Well, this is very discouraging. I have applied 4 times to become a Suicide Girl. The last being today. They just out right turned me down. Not that anybody sees this (which is a good thing), I'm in a rut. My job, school, living sit., everything sucks. I have wonderful people in my life that support me and encourage me to be myself. I feel...
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honestly, not knowing you that well I cannot give you much..except hold on and waite...something will come along when least expected
For anybody interested in seeing EXCELLENT indie films, I highly suggest going out and buying (yes Buying..not renting) Zombie Honeymoon!! It has one of the most original plot lines I have seen in years, the filming is excellent! One couldn't ask for more from a zombie horror/romance/spoof film! Plus the couple is super cute, and they are the kind of couple anybody on this site...
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long awaited? yeah it has been awhile. thinking of getting mah septum pierced..not posi on it yet though. eh. later, i know this is weak...

starting to feel better now..i was (still am) quite ghastly. being sick is never good for me, cuz i usually don't get sick, unless it is something really horrible. i felt like jobba the hut (spelling?). so nasty!!


I think everyone in Syracuse is sick at the moment.
I have to say that I am very proud of myself. The pain and suffering at the beginning of the year dealt me a shattering blow, but it only made me stronger. So far the highlight of my year is surviving the NIN concert last night. I came out completely drenched (head to toe, literally) in sweat and blood (other peoples, of course), with...
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I have to say that I am very proud of myself. The pain and suffering at the beginning of the year dealt me a shattering blow, but it only made me stronger. So far the highlight of my year is surviving the NIN concert last night. I came out completely drenched (head to toe, literally) in sweat and blood (other peoples, of course), with...
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So seriously, I just finished watching Vampire Effect (for the 100th time) and Team America. The people involved in making both these films (call me crizazy) are geniuses! Vampire Effect is seriously one of the best (and craziest, for its martial arts scenes, plot and comic relief) films i've seen in a long time. I just can't get enough, it is a classic to me!...
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See, this is proof that coke can do this to a woman. *sigh & pout* I don't know what to do with myself... I'm just wasting away... MEH!! Funny stuff >_> ... and for my finale!

Man o man...
Today has been the shiznah! I was rockin and boppin the stores like there is no tomorrow (cuz' there isn't.. mwah ha ha!). Soon I will be goin grocery shoppin', then to another mall. The bad thing boot the cuse is that, where I live, I'm a stone throw away from 3..yes...3 malls. So aside from skyrocketing gas prices and nudie bars,...
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Today has been the shiznah! I was rockin and boppin the stores like there is no tomorrow (cuz' there isn't.. mwah ha ha!). Soon I will be goin grocery shoppin', then to another mall. The bad thing boot the cuse is that, where I live, I'm a stone throw away from 3..yes...3 malls. So aside from skyrocketing gas prices and nudie bars,...
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it does sound like a fun day
Hooray for puppies!!
atleast that's what me and my friends call breasts. So flippin happy that Reagan has a new set up!! she is soooo amazing *_*. this girl is seriously my inspiration (good, bad, you be the judge ^_~). so i'm just chillin and relaxin, eat some apple-cinni oatmeal (hey..i'm po' otay), and reagan got a new set..so im checkin that out. Man and...
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atleast that's what me and my friends call breasts. So flippin happy that Reagan has a new set up!! she is soooo amazing *_*. this girl is seriously my inspiration (good, bad, you be the judge ^_~). so i'm just chillin and relaxin, eat some apple-cinni oatmeal (hey..i'm po' otay), and reagan got a new set..so im checkin that out. Man and...
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that does sound like an odd dream