today is one of those days where you really don't want to do anything but lie in bed and eat alot of junk food and watch TV. <sigh> but sadly enough I cannot be lazy today. school and work and 3 tests next week prevent me from doing so.
hope i get to go play in the snow this weekend. J and I are planning to go up to Cataloochee on Sunday. *please God let me get my shift at work covered!!*
I think I need to move out of Tennesse and go somewhere I can snowboard like - daily. And for more than 3 months out of the year. I guess that means moving west or completely out of the country.
I've been feeling better the past few days. The last few months I haven't had the highest opinion about myself, and that makes me angry...normally at whomever is unlucky enough to be around me at that moment - which is usually J. Not the best idea to pissed off that the person you live with for no reason whatsoever. (well - he's done his fair share of instigating too, but lets face it - i've been acting like a psyco bitch) I've been trying really hard to be a good girl the past few days. My stress level has went down quite a bit. I'm slowly getting my shit back together. Not to mention that my 22nd bday is coming up!! yay!! Bad Fish (sublime cover band) is playing at a club in Knoxville that night so me and a bunch of my buddies are going to go have some good fun!!
Pictures will hopefully be up soon. I have to digi cameras and I cant find the damn USB cables to either one!! oh well....more soon. <3