Hi. Not in the mood to write so excuse my random thoughts.
Presenting Suzies Brain:
*YAY my car is running* i need new tires* sushi for lunch sounds good* I should go work out today* I miss winter* I found the snowboard I want for this season today!! ARBOR 146 Stance* I need new bindings too* I think I'm gonna get the toe caps this time* WORK IS BOOOORRRRIIINNGGGG* The Wheel of Ramones is the funniest radio station idea ever but when you have the entire collection of The Ramones and wanna play them I guess its a good way to choose* ROCKAWAY BEACH is one of my favorites!* 311 JULY 19th!!! I really wanna get back stage this year!!* I need to go to the bank* Where should we go to dinner friday night?* Thomas leaves to go back to france on Monday* What was I thinking getting a 152 Feelgood?! That board is way too long!* I still love my board pants after 3 years (red plaid)* I hope it doesn't rain for the Pride Parade this weekend* Maybe I'll get some numbers LoL* J is going to Athens on Saturday with Matt* Hopefully he'll be back on Sat too* GAW! I NEED SOME FUCKING SNOW!* I want another tattoo soon...Rib Cage* Need to do a little research and see who can to the fine line work I want* I need to finish these property inspection forms but I'm tired of doing math* I FUCKING HATE MATH* I have to get my wisdom teeth taken out on Tuesday* I hope they give me some fun pain killers* I need to let David know that I'm getting this done on TUES so he can let Dr Bankston know that I'm not paying for this shit* Wanna get my nails done but there really isn't a point right now since i still have to grout the basement, work on my car, and put my IKEA kitchenette together* that would be a total waste* Need to clean the back patio off* Get someone to do some grafitti on my wall in the back yard* start some more weed plants* I NEED A RAISE!* j needs to put a firepit together before the 4th* are we still doing the pig roast?* Need to go back to IKEA and get some rugs for downstairs* shit i still need to paint* i'm never going to finish this basement* the new intern is really annoying (f*ing german asshole)* I will go out west this winter* Vail* Whistler* Mt Hood* Tahoe* Telluride* Call the dermatologist* I want to be a blonde again but J would rather shave my hair off* My new bag of weed is really tasty* I wonder if any of the dirty old guys that sit at my old bar still get on here and read my shit?* I kinda miss bartending* I never went to the gym in the 5 years I was a server. It was great* My head hurts*...
Presenting Suzies Brain:
*YAY my car is running* i need new tires* sushi for lunch sounds good* I should go work out today* I miss winter* I found the snowboard I want for this season today!! ARBOR 146 Stance* I need new bindings too* I think I'm gonna get the toe caps this time* WORK IS BOOOORRRRIIINNGGGG* The Wheel of Ramones is the funniest radio station idea ever but when you have the entire collection of The Ramones and wanna play them I guess its a good way to choose* ROCKAWAY BEACH is one of my favorites!* 311 JULY 19th!!! I really wanna get back stage this year!!* I need to go to the bank* Where should we go to dinner friday night?* Thomas leaves to go back to france on Monday* What was I thinking getting a 152 Feelgood?! That board is way too long!* I still love my board pants after 3 years (red plaid)* I hope it doesn't rain for the Pride Parade this weekend* Maybe I'll get some numbers LoL* J is going to Athens on Saturday with Matt* Hopefully he'll be back on Sat too* GAW! I NEED SOME FUCKING SNOW!* I want another tattoo soon...Rib Cage* Need to do a little research and see who can to the fine line work I want* I need to finish these property inspection forms but I'm tired of doing math* I FUCKING HATE MATH* I have to get my wisdom teeth taken out on Tuesday* I hope they give me some fun pain killers* I need to let David know that I'm getting this done on TUES so he can let Dr Bankston know that I'm not paying for this shit* Wanna get my nails done but there really isn't a point right now since i still have to grout the basement, work on my car, and put my IKEA kitchenette together* that would be a total waste* Need to clean the back patio off* Get someone to do some grafitti on my wall in the back yard* start some more weed plants* I NEED A RAISE!* j needs to put a firepit together before the 4th* are we still doing the pig roast?* Need to go back to IKEA and get some rugs for downstairs* shit i still need to paint* i'm never going to finish this basement* the new intern is really annoying (f*ing german asshole)* I will go out west this winter* Vail* Whistler* Mt Hood* Tahoe* Telluride* Call the dermatologist* I want to be a blonde again but J would rather shave my hair off* My new bag of weed is really tasty* I wonder if any of the dirty old guys that sit at my old bar still get on here and read my shit?* I kinda miss bartending* I never went to the gym in the 5 years I was a server. It was great* My head hurts*...

heck yeah i know where Jellico is. I pass through when I go up to Corbin KY to go hiking up at Cumberland Falls. yeah, i've had to work over in West Knoxville at the West Town store that I work for over in East Towne. It took me 35 min to get there because traffic sucked. I'm glad I live in north ktown, but because I live about 4 min from I75, the traffic is horrible around 5pm and 8 am. It's becoming like west knoxville now that we have a Starbucks and Hooters on Merchants.
i dont think it snows in georgia..... come to my homeland with the yankees and you'll get tons of snow.