Its been a really shitty couple of days.
I had surgery on my toe yesturday.
The surgeon was an ass hole. He told me that if he knew i was going to cry, he wouldn't have done it.
They gave me dermerol. It didn't do shit so i ended up in emerg for a few hours to see if them could give me something different.
They ended up giving me T-3's which actually worked a lot better.
Other than making me puke up everything i ate all day today.
But the worst thing is that suddenly today, out of nowhere i lost my bearded dragon
She kinda freaked out this morning. I got her to the reptile store asap, but they couldn't figure out why she was sick, left her there until someone that knows more got there, but when i came back to get her and bring her back to the vet, she had just died
I had surgery on my toe yesturday.
The surgeon was an ass hole. He told me that if he knew i was going to cry, he wouldn't have done it.
They gave me dermerol. It didn't do shit so i ended up in emerg for a few hours to see if them could give me something different.
They ended up giving me T-3's which actually worked a lot better.
Other than making me puke up everything i ate all day today.
But the worst thing is that suddenly today, out of nowhere i lost my bearded dragon

She kinda freaked out this morning. I got her to the reptile store asap, but they couldn't figure out why she was sick, left her there until someone that knows more got there, but when i came back to get her and bring her back to the vet, she had just died

I sorry you definitely had a rough couple of days..
Hope everything gets better..

I'm so sorry about your toe and your dragon