I'll give you a little rundown of whats been going on. pictures included

k where to begin... hmm... how about my 21st birthday. it was tons of fun with all my closest friends there. esspecially linz and heidi, who both came home for it.

I think next up would be new years. spent it with some friends doing what i do best drinking lol.
yummy bubbley.
Next up. I threw a baby shower for my friend Lena who was due March 10th.
I'm also still going going to beauty school five days a week. i will be all finished in sept. i cannot wait! we had an up do compeition in one mf my classes. here's some pics of mine. i didnt place but everyones was really really good.
The first weekend in march i went to chicago and visited my other half and love of my life. my best friend linzie.
almost up to date, i swear. this is what happens when i dont update for months lol.
March 13th, 2008. Don Orley Tubbs the fourth (i know poor kid) was born at 11:50am. He's sooo cute and perfect. Lena did amazing.
and finally...drumroll please.... i chopped all my hair off.
well thats most of it. hopefully im back to updating more often but ... im not making any promises
now i have some catching up to do with all the new sg pics. talk to you soon.