Sooo i haven't been on here in forever... I finally updated my pics on my profile and give anyone interested a little update....
Me myself and I - I'm starting school in a little over a month - cosmotology school - im sooo excited all my loans are in order and i'm ready to start.. It's the one thing i've wanted to do since i can remember and I'm finally putting it in action. I'm going to the Michigan College of Beauty in Troy. And because I'm going to school full-time, I won't be able to work at the real estate office anymore but luckily I found something part-time to work around my scedule. I'm going to be working at the Victoria's Secret at Somerset. It's not reopened yet but it will be Sept. 7th. I'm really excited for everything, it all seems to be coming together.
Friends- It's been a tough month as far as friends go... My two best friends are both moving out of state. I'm excited for them both and i'll have a lot of my own things going on but it still sucks i don't get to see them as much. One moved to Las Vegas a couple weeks ago for Med School. She's finally all settled in and so far so good. My other friend - my soul mate lol is moving on wed. to chicago to go to Columbia, that one is gonna be tougher to say good-bye but i know it's not for long... cuz i'll be visiting soon enough haha. I'm antisipating (sp?) some tears though.
Boy dept. - moving on.... lol
oh in other news one of my best friends has found out she's pregnant - not planned but she's definately welcoming it with open arms so i'm really happy for her, I keep telling everyone I'm gonna be a dad haha. And i'm hoping to god it's a girl just the name sake because its already been decided if its a boy itll be don blah blah the fourth. ahhh poor kid!
hmmm well i'll cut it short before i start rambling.
peace. love. cookies. and beer.
Me myself and I - I'm starting school in a little over a month - cosmotology school - im sooo excited all my loans are in order and i'm ready to start.. It's the one thing i've wanted to do since i can remember and I'm finally putting it in action. I'm going to the Michigan College of Beauty in Troy. And because I'm going to school full-time, I won't be able to work at the real estate office anymore but luckily I found something part-time to work around my scedule. I'm going to be working at the Victoria's Secret at Somerset. It's not reopened yet but it will be Sept. 7th. I'm really excited for everything, it all seems to be coming together.
Friends- It's been a tough month as far as friends go... My two best friends are both moving out of state. I'm excited for them both and i'll have a lot of my own things going on but it still sucks i don't get to see them as much. One moved to Las Vegas a couple weeks ago for Med School. She's finally all settled in and so far so good. My other friend - my soul mate lol is moving on wed. to chicago to go to Columbia, that one is gonna be tougher to say good-bye but i know it's not for long... cuz i'll be visiting soon enough haha. I'm antisipating (sp?) some tears though.
Boy dept. - moving on.... lol
oh in other news one of my best friends has found out she's pregnant - not planned but she's definately welcoming it with open arms so i'm really happy for her, I keep telling everyone I'm gonna be a dad haha. And i'm hoping to god it's a girl just the name sake because its already been decided if its a boy itll be don blah blah the fourth. ahhh poor kid!
hmmm well i'll cut it short before i start rambling.
peace. love. cookies. and beer.

Michigan College Of Beauty is a great school youll love it!! We have a girl working here now thats from there, she had a blast. Good luck with everything and if you need any help, tips/tricks or pointers feel free to ask.
sorry to hear about your friends moving away on ya but on the lighter side you will be a dad soon lol. I'll keep my fingers crossed that its a girl.