Hello my loves! I'm doing good and school is still going good so I cant complain about that. I'm not looking for a new job so thats not too much fun but if I get a job with one of my friends that would be awesome so we shall see how that goes and I got new tattoos on my wrist. I love them and I cant wait for more haha. We're poking each in class with needles right now cause we're working on injections so its not all that fun but I can handle it but its just for the past three days I've been poked in the leg or arm at least 8 times and more tomorrow. I will be happy when the 30 is up but its time to learn blood drawls soon but that should be fun but there are just some people I do not want sticking me with a needle haha. But hope you all are good. XOXO B
So delicious!
I've got a crush on you.. my sweetie pie.. all day and night I.. hear me sigh.