me drunk while getting ready for my christmas fancy dress party
my friend dexter who i constantly think i have a crush on
and here's me drunk before Stay Beautiful's christmas party ( for those who don't know-----it's a glam/rock night which happens in a club in Camden once a month)
I am such a poser when inebriated
Okay so christmas has just gone and i know you shouldnt base it on superficial things but I like sharing present stories------I got SPOILED like fuck cos i am an only child:
D&G watch ( may seem extravagant----my dad got it for me and apparently there was supposed to be 25% off but the stupid assistant charged him the 25% so he ended up having 75% off-----god bless dumb blondes)
Recording and Mixing software for my comp
Badge maker
Fuckloads of CDs and DVDs including Scarling's back catalogue
Sylvia Plath and Elizabeth Wurtzel books------LOADS
new digital camera
I am totally spoiled but completely grateful and returned the lovely gifts with equally thoughtful gifts and smiles ALL DAY------and didnt get that drunk on christmas day-----that's a present for my mum in itself
Boxing day was SO much fun--------went to Merthyr which for those of you who dont know is in the Valleys of Wales------for people in America it's what you might call redneckville hehe------anyway there was this venue which put a wrestling ring up and there was proper american style wrestling going on!!!!!saw my ex wrestle and we actually talked and he bought me a drink-----he doesnt like me like that at ALL anymore and so it hurt a bit to see him and be like we were--------so i ended up getting really drunk and going home with some other guy and walking home at 7 in the morning ( when it was still dark ) and just stood on this bridge for ages watching the river------self destructive-----i think so!!!!
someone come save me and make me healthy and not a liability!!
Boxing day sounds tough *hugs*. 2005 has been a cruddy year for just about everyone I know. He're hoping that 2006 is worlds better... It's the new year. Be kind to yourself -- you deserve it!