I saw my F.W.B. tonight. It was completely unplanned and a little uncomfortable for me. I ran into him going to pick up something for my friend's mother. The first thing he did was ask me if we were ok. I told him I didn't know what we were but that if we were going to continue to speak to eachother that it was never going to be that same ever again. I have serious issues trusting people and he's known that from the day we met almost five years ago, so he's basically fucked himself over. There are very few people who I can say I love in this world and he was one of them. So it's sad to say, but even though I love his stupid ass, I don't like him at the present moment. I appreciate that he's said he's sorry because he doesn't ever apologize to anyone for anything. But sometimes, sorry just isn't enough. I'd be a liar if I said I'm just pissed off and not hurting over this. Because it does hurt me. A lot. But he has to realize that there are consequences for the things we choose to do or say.
I guess only time will tell what happens to us.
I guess only time will tell what happens to us.
Feel better Lady, I have enough stres for both of us right now.....do something you enjoy and SMILE!

thank you