I'M SO BORED!!!! I'm sitting at home with nothing to do today.
My boy just left. He came by to hang out for a little while. We got some lunch and talked shit. We might go clubbing tonight but I'm not sure if I really wanna go yet.
I didn't have any dreams about the ex last night so that's good. I did however get some really good booty! Yay!!! Go me!
I know, I know...who's this mystery man I got some from last night? That's a secret and I'll never tell.
It's more exciting that way --- with no one knowing about what we do. I like the casual thing we have. From time to time I do want more than just a F.W.B. but I take what I can get. Besides, a relationship would just further complicate my life. So this is how things shall remain between us.
It's so hot today that I felt like my skin was gonna burst into flames when I was outside earlier. It's one of those days when you look out across the street and it looks like the asphalt is smoking. YUCK!
We wait all winter for the spring then for the summer just to complain about the heat. Ironic isn't it? Oh, well.
Anywho, I'm gonna go sit in my A.C. and lay back and watch a movie or something.
My boy just left. He came by to hang out for a little while. We got some lunch and talked shit. We might go clubbing tonight but I'm not sure if I really wanna go yet.
I didn't have any dreams about the ex last night so that's good. I did however get some really good booty! Yay!!! Go me!

It's so hot today that I felt like my skin was gonna burst into flames when I was outside earlier. It's one of those days when you look out across the street and it looks like the asphalt is smoking. YUCK!

Anywho, I'm gonna go sit in my A.C. and lay back and watch a movie or something.
I'm very happy you got some good booty. I'm am jealous.