Uhht Ohh!
Being single has been a little too fun lately.

Oh yeah, I totally stole his underwear! It was a dare from the girl firends, they said they want proof if I ever got to heaven and had a chance to come back lol! Shh don't tell, I pray to gawd he doesn't find out!
Luv always!
the one the only

Being single has been a little too fun lately.

Oh yeah, I totally stole his underwear! It was a dare from the girl firends, they said they want proof if I ever got to heaven and had a chance to come back lol! Shh don't tell, I pray to gawd he doesn't find out!

Luv always!
the one the only

That is quite a hit list you have going there! Watch out, she is a man-eater! 

You know it boys!!! I just got drinks bought for me all night by the lead singer of one of the bands who were playing while we were all mud wrestling at this bar for a young womens empowerment fundraiser! SO sexy going out with him Thursday.... tee hee!