Boobies! I think that there are bugs in my bed! Today when I woke up there were bite marks on my boobies and not the fun kind! ....mmm dirty thoughts, yummy.
The little spots are so itchy, even tho there are only two. Rubbing anti itch lotion on them would be so much more fun with another person doing the rubbing. My boobs are the topic first most on my mind today. I've decided like them, lol! I like way they feel. Like when a boy pulls my shirt off up over my head and works to undo my bra, letting them slip out from underneath. If I'm "excited" my nipples get hard and stiff. I can see why guys dig tits, it's pleasing to runs your hands over soft plump flesh and feel a little hard fleshy part in the center. Licking is nice too, haha_ I embarrass myself. I also enjoy sleeping mostly naked, I like wearing cute undies. I sure pay enough for them. The best is with cold sheets against my skin... ugh. I can't wait to get home to my own bed and be room mate free! My nights will be so lovely! I'm sure I'll sleep much better than in this stuffy dorm, yuck!
I'm still super sexually suppressed since my lover is out of town, as you can tell. Today I am taking off to rest. My body is sore from all the painting and drawing I do here. I go for ten hours a day! Every one is impressed with my endurance. I guess I am the first to go so long and have such hard days. SO with my mind free I've just been thinking about naughty things.... he he.
Like getting freaky in his family's house lol, the bathroom to be specific. MMM. Pressed against a sink, my arms wrapped back around his head. Breathing heavy on to the mirror in the small room. One thing I really enjoy about my man is he has no fear when we ... u know
hehe. He rips my clothes off and pulls me close with snuggles and love then does it to meh! lol It's as though it doesn't mater if we could get caught, he wants so he gets it! It's the best sex ever. Ahh! I'm gunna drive myself crazy thinking about it, I still have one more month to go before he gets home. LAME! Anyways, I really like how free my breasts where when he was behind me like that. The dirty talk, compliments and heavy sweaty breathing was nice too. Giggles, eek!
Look! Can u see the bug bite!? Yuck! Lame! That's my "I hate bugs" face...
If you like bugs you're dumb! lol
The little spots are so itchy, even tho there are only two. Rubbing anti itch lotion on them would be so much more fun with another person doing the rubbing. My boobs are the topic first most on my mind today. I've decided like them, lol! I like way they feel. Like when a boy pulls my shirt off up over my head and works to undo my bra, letting them slip out from underneath. If I'm "excited" my nipples get hard and stiff. I can see why guys dig tits, it's pleasing to runs your hands over soft plump flesh and feel a little hard fleshy part in the center. Licking is nice too, haha_ I embarrass myself. I also enjoy sleeping mostly naked, I like wearing cute undies. I sure pay enough for them. The best is with cold sheets against my skin... ugh. I can't wait to get home to my own bed and be room mate free! My nights will be so lovely! I'm sure I'll sleep much better than in this stuffy dorm, yuck!
I'm still super sexually suppressed since my lover is out of town, as you can tell. Today I am taking off to rest. My body is sore from all the painting and drawing I do here. I go for ten hours a day! Every one is impressed with my endurance. I guess I am the first to go so long and have such hard days. SO with my mind free I've just been thinking about naughty things.... he he.
Like getting freaky in his family's house lol, the bathroom to be specific. MMM. Pressed against a sink, my arms wrapped back around his head. Breathing heavy on to the mirror in the small room. One thing I really enjoy about my man is he has no fear when we ... u know

Look! Can u see the bug bite!? Yuck! Lame! That's my "I hate bugs" face...
If you like bugs you're dumb! lol

Lol i love your blog! Thanks for the comment.
Arousing verbal diarrhea! lol Your guy is a lucky man!