Here's my big news: as of Midnight between Saturday March 28th and Sunday March 29, 2009, I am engaged!!! (to the most wonderful man in the world)

The mood was tipsy, leftover buzz mode after a night of wining, dining, and dancing at Groton's 109th Submarine Ball. I am the girl who keeps her shoes on for the whole event, so when my feet hurt I know it's time to go! As we were leaving he asked me to stop and dance for one more slow song, so we were somewhere among the tables toward the door, swaying to the music, kissing, and talking. I was actually the first to propose, putting the fake ring I was wearing on his pinkie finger as far as it would go (made it just over the finger pad lol) but then he turned it around, slid the ring back onto the fourth finger of my left hand, and asked "seriously" if I would marry him.

Noting the spontineity of the event, no real ring yet (but I am wearing one that he bought me randomly one day. It is fake/ crystals but I love it and wear it with pride.) He says he may get me one in France this summer which would be unique and fabulous. We are not going to get married until at least three years from now, after I graduate college and he is up for re-enlistment/ we get settled into our jobs and figure out where we are headed.

Ever since that wonderful night things have been a rocky road of ecstasy and devastation. I am doing quite poorly in two of my classes at college and quite well in the other two, but, being one who worries, I am much more focused on my downfalls. My fiance is also going to be away for a very longgg time

I hope everyone who reads this is doing well. I'll be better after I turn 21 this September 4th

Congrats, that's great news! I bet things turn around in your two classes too!