Getting ready to record our new album this weekend and next week. We're turning my apartment into a little studio with my bedroom for the control booth. Everything's a mess. My mattress is the vocal booth. We're nailing the futon to the wall. It's going to be pretty crazy here for a little while. I know i'm going to have these butterflies in my stomach until it's done. But i'm pretty sure it's going to be fucking awesome. Life is so confusing these days....i can't even plan for next month let alone next's short...time is short...decisions to be made...
as soon as the mic gets turned on i'm going to let it all out in a hysterical raging fury.
as soon as the mic gets turned on i'm going to let it all out in a hysterical raging fury.

Do you think that there might be room in your friend's car for 3? I don't want to push it, but there's a girl I'm interested in inviting to come with.
Well I was planning on asking this girl to come as a date, and although I'm almost capable of abadoning a girl in New York, I'm not sure it's condusive to a 2nd date.