i'm starting a trashy danse rock band with my friend dan. not for a few months. but yea i have to move to LA to pursue this life long dream of trashyness and danse rock. it seems like a good place to do it. in salt lake city well i didnt go to area tonigt. its shocking i know.
i'm sick of people just standing around trying to to look hott and never actually interacting or caring about anyone else.
but i do love to dance! i do. *sigh.
i quit mine. it was causing some kind of strange anxiety disorder for me which i have never believed in until i had it myself. its gone now...or seems to be. my girl is living in san fransisco i want to go visit her soon. she just moved there and shes lonely but it sounds like an awesome city.
today i ate 7 packages of sharks fruit snacks and i talked to my dad....and i had chinese food. it was a good relaxing day. things are lonely lately. i totally believe that anything is what you make of it, but i've known everyone here for years and nobody is even my good friend anymore. i'm not very good on my own. friends are one of the most important parts of my life. i'm making some handmade clothing for this slc store called lady boutique. they have some cute vintage clothes there.
i need to stop typing and start dancing and start loving again!
x oh x oh.me.
* Who do you need, who do you love
When you come undone*-duran duran
i'm sick of people just standing around trying to to look hott and never actually interacting or caring about anyone else.
but i do love to dance! i do. *sigh.
i quit mine. it was causing some kind of strange anxiety disorder for me which i have never believed in until i had it myself. its gone now...or seems to be. my girl is living in san fransisco i want to go visit her soon. she just moved there and shes lonely but it sounds like an awesome city.
today i ate 7 packages of sharks fruit snacks and i talked to my dad....and i had chinese food. it was a good relaxing day. things are lonely lately. i totally believe that anything is what you make of it, but i've known everyone here for years and nobody is even my good friend anymore. i'm not very good on my own. friends are one of the most important parts of my life. i'm making some handmade clothing for this slc store called lady boutique. they have some cute vintage clothes there.
i need to stop typing and start dancing and start loving again!
x oh x oh.me.
* Who do you need, who do you love
When you come undone*-duran duran
Beware of LA. The good news is being an SG you have a built in community. LA can be a a very lonely place. Talk about "people just standing around trying to to look hott and never actually interacting or caring about anyone else" I'm fairly sure LA is the capital of such behavior. I know you've been there a billion times so I'm sure you already know all that. It is an awesome place to rock but why not get your thing together in SLC and pick up some gigs in LA and see how your sound does there. If it goes over well awesome if not maybe try SF which is an AMAZING city as I'm sure you already know. You might decide you'd rather move there. It has a lot more soul than LA. It's filled with women who kick ass as opposed to LA which is filled with actresses who desperatly need to eat seven sandwiches and four cheesecakes right away. In SF women run the town. They are the stock brokers and firefighters and police detectives and politicians etc... LA is not as easy a place to be a women. Their is so much emphasis on youth and beauty that it's easy to lose of track of what is valuable about yourself. I'm sure where ever you end up you'll make it work.

I noticed on Aspen's page that you were coming to NYC around late July. consider checking out the Coney Island Mermaid Parade if you're in town on June 26th. Its a crazy outdoor burlesque event... and Ixion Burlesque and Molly will be involved - dressed up as sexy sea-gulls!!