Thanks bro. I wish you guys could have made it out for Boston. It's going to be a hell of a weekend.
If you guys ever do make it out to an event make sure to let me know so we can meet up. We usually end up doing one crazy thing or another during UFC weekends, so you guys can definitely come along on the adventures. I can't guarantee you'll make it home in once piece though.
Lately i feel like ive been getting alot of my stuff together on days off. This can be attributed to cutting down on the boozin and the droogs. Crazy how that works isnt it?
Currently reading:
Cast Member Confidential : A Disney Fied Memoir - Chris Mitchell
Why I Fight - BJ Penn
Arkham Asylum: Madness - Sam Kieth
ok nerds. looking for pictures and ideas for my Batman villians(and maybe one or two heroes and magicians) sleeve. post your favourite photos of Catwoman, Zatanna , Harley & The Joker please.
great day so far. listening to the Ellis show replay with Joe Rogan right now. Hilarious and mind bending interview as always.
Finally finishing up Season 4 of The Wire on dvd. Id have to say ive loved all of the seasons equally so far but this one...this def the most real. The whole school aspect of it all makes it a harsh watch. Lots of upsetting content that hits hard and hits home. Great achievement in television!
Lamb of God - Broken Hands
Rolling Stones - Monkey Man
Tom Waits - Way Down in the Hole
Tokyo Police Club - Cheer it On
36 Crazyfists - At the End of August
Deftones - Kimdracula
Sepultura - Refuse/Resist
Kings of Leon - Closer
Rebel Meets Rebel w/ Hank III - Get Outta My Life... Read More
sharing ice cream in bed
weed and alice
FIGHT NIGHT (with the gays....this will be strange!)
to show you the new TO love nest
cuddling with you all night and waking up to you every morning
back of the neck and forehead kisses
SEX (everything we've been talking about for days and more)
If you guys ever do make it out to an event make sure to let me know so we can meet up. We usually end up doing one crazy thing or another during UFC weekends, so you guys can definitely come along on the adventures. I can't guarantee you'll make it home in once piece though.
This time feels longgggggg - wanna come back with you and stay forever. *pout Soon soon!
and in response to that picture I say....