So i decided to get back to my fitness regime yesterday , its been a year . Since ive been setting up this business i just haven't had the time.
So i ran five miles or so along to the beach and back , it was sweet being that it was a hot day and everything.
today i cant move my legs , they fuckin ache like ive been sleeping with a boulder on top of them all night . I was also made aware of how stupid i must have looked walking when an old lady tutted as i walked out of my car this afternoon . She said it was a shame that they :
'" didn't put more disabled spaces in town and that all the able bodied people taking those spaces should be made to live a day in the shoes of people like me "
I just smiled and said thankyou.

So to sum up :
Exercise is bad , your better of spending the day in the pub .You will look and feel considerably better the next day

also heh heh heh for "educational purposes"
go check new pics for hairage pinkage!