Ahhhhh a long weekend off , bliss ,bliss , bliss.
Ive done very little this weekend , except relax .
Next weekend ive got a huge birthday bash for one of my best mates then were all going out clubbing the next night. Then the weekend after that will be spent in Cardiff with the SGUK hardcore , so i dont feel the need to go anywhere.
Things i did do .
1. wrote and produced a song for giggles .
2. Bought the CD of Megadeth's ' so far so good '; and played it at full volume in my new car whilst wearing a suit . Got the strangest looks from passers by which was fab . Plus id forgotten what a cracking album it was , ' in my darkest hour' i think goes into my top ten of all time bad ass songs.
3. Ate more than my body weight in pizza .
4. Drank more than my bodyweight in Rioja ( its pucka spanish red wine for those not in the know ) .
5. Played golf , badly .
6. Fucked about on the internet , lots .
7. Discovered the cure for the common cold and the route to peace in the middle east , then got pissed and forgot it all .
8. Had a very saucy dream about someone on this site and have still not completely recovered .
9. Organised a bring and buy sale for the S.T.F ( save, tubesound , foundation ) .
10. also added a few new pics from SGUK meets with me in em .
Ive done very little this weekend , except relax .
Next weekend ive got a huge birthday bash for one of my best mates then were all going out clubbing the next night. Then the weekend after that will be spent in Cardiff with the SGUK hardcore , so i dont feel the need to go anywhere.
Things i did do .
1. wrote and produced a song for giggles .
2. Bought the CD of Megadeth's ' so far so good '; and played it at full volume in my new car whilst wearing a suit . Got the strangest looks from passers by which was fab . Plus id forgotten what a cracking album it was , ' in my darkest hour' i think goes into my top ten of all time bad ass songs.
3. Ate more than my body weight in pizza .
4. Drank more than my bodyweight in Rioja ( its pucka spanish red wine for those not in the know ) .
5. Played golf , badly .
6. Fucked about on the internet , lots .
7. Discovered the cure for the common cold and the route to peace in the middle east , then got pissed and forgot it all .
8. Had a very saucy dream about someone on this site and have still not completely recovered .

9. Organised a bring and buy sale for the S.T.F ( save, tubesound , foundation ) .

10. also added a few new pics from SGUK meets with me in em .

of course it's a lie!!! i could seduce you with stale biscuits any day! 

Awww you seem to know just when I need cheering up...tee hee that one is really cool