fuck i need to loose these luv handles , i know it would only take a few visits to the gym but i really cant be bothered in the winter , im just too depressed to even contemplate exercise. I think i will just chat up women with dodgy eyesight for a while until the summer comes and i feel like doing something about it.
In other news i get my new car in a couple of days , its not that exiting , bit of an executive car , so im not posting a picture ,but its the first car ive ever bought that someone else hasn't driven which is all a bit weird to me .
What else * thinks hard * ive just finished recording masters for another band which is ironic in that ive been making excuses as to why i haven't finished my own demo .
Bought loads of things from The pier to fill out my flat a bit more and give me something else to stare at . I do want to start collecting art at some point but its just not worth it in this flat , and right now i cant be bothered with the hassle of moving somewhere else.
anyway kisses , hugs and a booblie feels ( where appropriate ) all-round .
In other news i get my new car in a couple of days , its not that exiting , bit of an executive car , so im not posting a picture ,but its the first car ive ever bought that someone else hasn't driven which is all a bit weird to me .
What else * thinks hard * ive just finished recording masters for another band which is ironic in that ive been making excuses as to why i haven't finished my own demo .
Bought loads of things from The pier to fill out my flat a bit more and give me something else to stare at . I do want to start collecting art at some point but its just not worth it in this flat , and right now i cant be bothered with the hassle of moving somewhere else.
anyway kisses , hugs and a booblie feels ( where appropriate ) all-round .

But Hexe is mine