At what point should we listed to what our bodys are telling us .
My body is screaming at me not to do what I am about to do.
A doctor will tell someone with stress to avoid stressful situations, but in contrast would recommend for someone with a fear of flying or spiders to face there fear head on.
I dont see the distinction myself, I believe in hitting my demons head on with a Hummer and a smile, and flipping the bird to the mangled corpse I left behind.
I feel we are all being too cautious , too prissy , too sheltered, we need all to get out more and do the things we would rather not.
There is never any stories of Roman soldiers , Vikings any of King Arthurs men suffering from stress or anxiety, they just sucked it up and got on with what they had to do, risked there lives , tried to lop of as many heads as they could , then it was home for Tea and Cake and maybe ravage the wife and try for a nineteenth child .
"So I ran faster
But it caught me here
Yes my loyalties turned
Like my ankle
In the seventh grade
Running after Billy
Running after the rain
He said you're really an ugly girl
But I like the way you play
And I died
But I thanked him
Can you believe that
Sick Sick
Holding on to his picture
Dressing up every day
I wanna smash the faces
Of those beautiful boys
Those christian boys
So you can make me cum
that doesn't make you Jesus
These precious things
Let them bleed
Let them wash away
These precious things
Let them break their hold over me
I remember
Yes in my peach party dress
No one dared
No one cared
To tell me where the pretty girls are
Those demigods
With Their Nine-Inch Nails And Little Fascist Panties Tucked Inside The Heart Of Every Nice Girl"
My body is screaming at me not to do what I am about to do.
A doctor will tell someone with stress to avoid stressful situations, but in contrast would recommend for someone with a fear of flying or spiders to face there fear head on.
I dont see the distinction myself, I believe in hitting my demons head on with a Hummer and a smile, and flipping the bird to the mangled corpse I left behind.

I feel we are all being too cautious , too prissy , too sheltered, we need all to get out more and do the things we would rather not.
There is never any stories of Roman soldiers , Vikings any of King Arthurs men suffering from stress or anxiety, they just sucked it up and got on with what they had to do, risked there lives , tried to lop of as many heads as they could , then it was home for Tea and Cake and maybe ravage the wife and try for a nineteenth child .
"So I ran faster
But it caught me here
Yes my loyalties turned
Like my ankle
In the seventh grade
Running after Billy
Running after the rain
He said you're really an ugly girl
But I like the way you play
And I died
But I thanked him
Can you believe that
Sick Sick
Holding on to his picture
Dressing up every day
I wanna smash the faces
Of those beautiful boys
Those christian boys
So you can make me cum
that doesn't make you Jesus
These precious things
Let them bleed
Let them wash away
These precious things
Let them break their hold over me
I remember
Yes in my peach party dress
No one dared
No one cared
To tell me where the pretty girls are
Those demigods
With Their Nine-Inch Nails And Little Fascist Panties Tucked Inside The Heart Of Every Nice Girl"
Yeah, that would be pretty nice actually
i think people depend on doctors too much, i try to only go when i don't know how to get better, some people go everytime they get a damn cold. ya, telleing you to avoid stress is kinda dumb. i supose yopu could subject yourself to so much stress that either you can deal better, or your stomache explodes. well, good luck with everything. Happ B-day! Thanx for the hug, here's one for you >HUG<