Good Evening all...........
I guess i should start off by saying "im sorry"
for not being around so much.
So much has happened in the past month or 2 that my head feels like its about to go boom
well lets start off with the bad news:
some of you may already know, i forget if i wrote this, that a very close friend of mine was shot and killed back on March 4th. needless to say something like that really puts a damper on your mood for quite a while, but it also helps to put some things into perspective.
for instance, i always thought that i was a pretty care free, happy go-lucky kinda person that really didnt let things get to me or get me down. But i have come to realize that deep down i am a very shallow and egocetric person. i found a quote that kinda describes how i have been looking at life:
" A perfect blossom (flower blossom) is a rare thing. You could spend your entire life looking for one and it would not be a wasted life"
after hearing that i was kinda like; you know what thats true but the kicker to the quote is as follows
"They are all perfect"
so in esscence, in searching for something that is perfect, you are in fact wasting your life.
nothing is perfect or scripted out as to how you want things to go.
I have spent a lot of time looking for things to be perfect, or something to go my way all the time but that doesnt happen. shit happens all the time that you cant control or foresee. Now because of this accident that has happened, it has opened my eyes to everything that is not perfect, and things i should be paying attention to but havent.
That sums up the bad news and the changes that have been made to not only my personality but my overall outllook on things.
the good stuff that has happened:
Met a girl thought she was grand,
fell in love, found out first hand,
went well for a month or 2,
then it all came unglued.
long distance relationships bad,
i bought a new guitar- well not so new but new to me.
a 1981 Carvin X200 Kahler.
My first American guitar.
things kicks ass- looks like James Hetfields guitar from way back when.
thats all folks,
hope all is well with everyone else
Happy belated ST PATTYS DAY
Happy Easter to those who observe it.
Krispette, still waiting to hear your "love you hate you" for preston and steve
Lemuria, thanks for votes of confidence and support
Hotpink, sorry i havent talked to you as of late, things kinda hectic but i thank you for your support as well.
hope to hear from all of you soon
in your service,
Your friendly neighborhood scorpio
I guess i should start off by saying "im sorry"

So much has happened in the past month or 2 that my head feels like its about to go boom

well lets start off with the bad news:
some of you may already know, i forget if i wrote this, that a very close friend of mine was shot and killed back on March 4th. needless to say something like that really puts a damper on your mood for quite a while, but it also helps to put some things into perspective.
for instance, i always thought that i was a pretty care free, happy go-lucky kinda person that really didnt let things get to me or get me down. But i have come to realize that deep down i am a very shallow and egocetric person. i found a quote that kinda describes how i have been looking at life:
" A perfect blossom (flower blossom) is a rare thing. You could spend your entire life looking for one and it would not be a wasted life"
after hearing that i was kinda like; you know what thats true but the kicker to the quote is as follows
"They are all perfect"
so in esscence, in searching for something that is perfect, you are in fact wasting your life.
nothing is perfect or scripted out as to how you want things to go.
I have spent a lot of time looking for things to be perfect, or something to go my way all the time but that doesnt happen. shit happens all the time that you cant control or foresee. Now because of this accident that has happened, it has opened my eyes to everything that is not perfect, and things i should be paying attention to but havent.
That sums up the bad news and the changes that have been made to not only my personality but my overall outllook on things.
the good stuff that has happened:
Met a girl thought she was grand,
fell in love, found out first hand,
went well for a month or 2,
then it all came unglued.

long distance relationships bad,
i bought a new guitar- well not so new but new to me.
a 1981 Carvin X200 Kahler.
My first American guitar.
things kicks ass- looks like James Hetfields guitar from way back when.
thats all folks,
hope all is well with everyone else
Happy belated ST PATTYS DAY
Happy Easter to those who observe it.
Krispette, still waiting to hear your "love you hate you" for preston and steve
Lemuria, thanks for votes of confidence and support
Hotpink, sorry i havent talked to you as of late, things kinda hectic but i thank you for your support as well.

hope to hear from all of you soon
in your service,
Your friendly neighborhood scorpio

its fun when you see a perfect blossom and youre not even looking for it.