well hello my fine feathered friends!!!
sorry been so long in updating.
started new job and still have part time one so working alot right now, not really that much time to get on here till i get my own computer(hopefully soon).
not much happening in my world........ although i must say i was quite surprised and happy when hotpink called me the other day (love the new pic with the freeze pop)
so sexy
gonna be looking to get tatoo done soon, i looked into your husbands shop lemuria but its like a 2 hour drive for me.............sorry
i got smacked in the eye yesterday at work with a piece of wood trim, lucky i was wearing safety/sun glassses head still hurts like a son of a bitch
todays quote:
Confucious say: he who goes to bed with itchy butt wake up with sticky fingers
sorry been so long in updating.
started new job and still have part time one so working alot right now, not really that much time to get on here till i get my own computer(hopefully soon).
not much happening in my world........ although i must say i was quite surprised and happy when hotpink called me the other day (love the new pic with the freeze pop)

gonna be looking to get tatoo done soon, i looked into your husbands shop lemuria but its like a 2 hour drive for me.............sorry

i got smacked in the eye yesterday at work with a piece of wood trim, lucky i was wearing safety/sun glassses head still hurts like a son of a bitch

todays quote:
Confucious say: he who goes to bed with itchy butt wake up with sticky fingers


sticky or STINKY fingers.....