Hidey ho neighboroonies,
Your friendly neighborhood philadanderer here.
(i learned a new word and had to use it in a sentence)
Good news i start my new job tomorrow
gonna hate waling up at 5:30 every morning again but i guesss i have to deal with it.
Sion is a happy camper today cause I got a booty call last night round 2 am.
they are the greatest thing since nick at nite re-runs and 2 lb chicken tv dinners!
working on getting some new pictures up here so at least you guys can have something different to look at every day instead of me primping my hair like some backalley boy.
any ideas? the general public is the best place for ideas because they are critical and subjective when they need to be but kind at the same time. so i look to you, my beautiful
warm, compassionate, and shitloads of kick-ass tatoos and piercings people for inspiration and suggestions.
with that in mind, i leave you with a quote of the day:
a bird in hand does not equal 2 in the bush; it means im masturbating so fuck off and shut the door
Your friendly neighborhood philadanderer here.
(i learned a new word and had to use it in a sentence)
Good news i start my new job tomorrow

gonna hate waling up at 5:30 every morning again but i guesss i have to deal with it.
Sion is a happy camper today cause I got a booty call last night round 2 am.

they are the greatest thing since nick at nite re-runs and 2 lb chicken tv dinners!
working on getting some new pictures up here so at least you guys can have something different to look at every day instead of me primping my hair like some backalley boy.
any ideas? the general public is the best place for ideas because they are critical and subjective when they need to be but kind at the same time. so i look to you, my beautiful
warm, compassionate, and shitloads of kick-ass tatoos and piercings people for inspiration and suggestions.
with that in mind, i leave you with a quote of the day:
a bird in hand does not equal 2 in the bush; it means im masturbating so fuck off and shut the door

yeah man, we could meet up sometime. not to sound dumb...but i hav a lot going on right now, between my work and my place and my old gr8 Aunt and this and that. but, i'd love to meet up with u sometime in the future. take a pic of u by the urinal

im getting a booty call this weekend, well my only booty call, but hey , i know how u fell, whoohoo