since theres only 2 people that read this thing and i will be away from a computer for the rest of the night, if you want me to get something on the love you hate you line tommorow krispette, call me at 215-272-9276
if it can wait then ill check back tomorrow and see what it is you would like me to say.
if it can wait then ill check back tomorrow and see what it is you would like me to say.
i like the new picture.
hey pred. it can totally w8. i gotta make sure that i will be kinda in town so that i can hear it if they play it the next day er so. i don't wanna leave it (message) cuz i kno that the person i m trying to attack will def know its me. its very highschool of them what they did to me, but i was done wrong and i wanna get these peeps going so i can be highschool back. its the ex that turned me on2 the show and the ex that i wanna burn. i'll let u kno lata bud SCORPIO'S are so bad.....