I am so upset! My best friend up and left town without me! She wanted to leave town yesterday and I told her if you wait til wed. I will go with you. She said no, I dont wantt to do that. So she ended up helping her parents move yesterday so I just assumed she was gonna go out of town this week. So this morning I get online and find out that she left this morning. I called her and said hey I told you i would go with you if you left today and you said you didnt want to leave today. Her response was that she told me she was leaving today. NO! She never said that, she said she didnt want to go. On top of that she is takin our mutual friend with her...like she never wanted me to go in the first place! I am in a pisspoor mood right now! FUCK!

Welcome to the wonderment!!! pity about your friend, that sucks!