When will I ever learn?
So I went out for Rocky in the Horror Picture Show which bares his name. Good news is I got the part, the bad news is that they cast both Frank and Janet as males. Come on... give me a female somewhere please? Why is it that everytime I get involved with something social on campus it ends up with me in some kind of homosexualy connotated situation? Which will segeway into my next post concerning the kiss your crush wall I've been meaning to talk about. Here's a preview:
Or there would be a preview if I could fucking upload pics from my pictures on this web site...
So I went out for Rocky in the Horror Picture Show which bares his name. Good news is I got the part, the bad news is that they cast both Frank and Janet as males. Come on... give me a female somewhere please? Why is it that everytime I get involved with something social on campus it ends up with me in some kind of homosexualy connotated situation? Which will segeway into my next post concerning the kiss your crush wall I've been meaning to talk about. Here's a preview:
Or there would be a preview if I could fucking upload pics from my pictures on this web site...
Well i didn't know she'd get zooted.
What The Fuck, everyone is getting Zotted lol...insane