I have had a week for the ages. My mouth has been cursed by the dreaded warlock Kankor and the underside of my tongue has felt his wrath. My old hard drive is almost as fucked as Jack Abramoff. My car cried wolf but it turned out that it just wanted attention. It got oil and brand new CODES, apparently this spring line is very chic. Wednesday I met a history making dolphin named Calvin behind the scenes at Epcot. Much to the chagrin of the experimenters, we got to hear Calvin sing out BAT-mmaaaaannnnn... (which sounded more like EEK-eeeeeek). For the sake of scientific accuracy: Calvin doesn't actually sing. He can only recognize and reproduce rhythms, which puts him above the majority of the life forms who audition for American Idol.
Also everyone should know that my woman problems are over. I am now betrothed to at least 3 girls at the daycare center I volunteer at. One precocious little girl asked me,"Are you going to marry Kaylee?" to which I replied "Only if she's into autoerotic-asphyxiation." And let me just tell you, there is nothing more adoreable than a 4 year old trying to say that word. Precious.
Spent some time with the same two people I always mention in this small cybernet box. Seandave, Nikkita, and I went and saw Slither. It was everyhting I expected it to be, which is to say great. I love Malcom Reynolds, and the first person who corrects me by calling him Nathan Fillion gets popped. Also went malling with Nikkita. I bought Silent Hill 2, Penny Arcade: Attack of the Bacon Robots, and Cable and Deadpool: Bosom Buddies. I am so irresponsible. At least I know better than to fill in my tattoo when I don't have money for it. Ooohhhh...
Most importantly in all this though is that those two aforementioned friends are a major reason I make the 2-3 hour trek back here every other weekend. I immensely enjoy spending time with both of them, for some converging and some greatly diverging reasons. Which is to say I very deeply care for one of them and enjoy the many intimate moments we share together... and Nikkita is cool to chill out with as well.
Anyway, good times and high seas lay ahead... just, you know, after all the work. You know that one episode of I <3 Lucy with the chocolates? My work load is like that, only, with health, babies, APA style, and video coding instead.
pay no attention to the man on the mic, he must be a wizard he rhymes so tight
Also everyone should know that my woman problems are over. I am now betrothed to at least 3 girls at the daycare center I volunteer at. One precocious little girl asked me,"Are you going to marry Kaylee?" to which I replied "Only if she's into autoerotic-asphyxiation." And let me just tell you, there is nothing more adoreable than a 4 year old trying to say that word. Precious.
Spent some time with the same two people I always mention in this small cybernet box. Seandave, Nikkita, and I went and saw Slither. It was everyhting I expected it to be, which is to say great. I love Malcom Reynolds, and the first person who corrects me by calling him Nathan Fillion gets popped. Also went malling with Nikkita. I bought Silent Hill 2, Penny Arcade: Attack of the Bacon Robots, and Cable and Deadpool: Bosom Buddies. I am so irresponsible. At least I know better than to fill in my tattoo when I don't have money for it. Ooohhhh...

Anyway, good times and high seas lay ahead... just, you know, after all the work. You know that one episode of I <3 Lucy with the chocolates? My work load is like that, only, with health, babies, APA style, and video coding instead.
pay no attention to the man on the mic, he must be a wizard he rhymes so tight
You might also like the book Wanted from Top Cow. It's about a kid who is a complete loser then one day finds out that his long lost Dad has died and has left him a massive fortune but to obtain it he must take his Dad's place as the best Supervillain of all time.
This sounds AWESOME. the book is called Wanted... or is it Wanted from Top Cow?
I wanna look it up. =D
Well ok might as well.