Thanks to all of you who took the time to give me such kind words on my tattoo. Thanks again to all of you who didn't laugh at me and call me a dork. It all helps me justify the money I'm spending on it rather than food.
I realized last night that my love life is in shambles. The only woman currently allowed in my bed is Samus Aran. Honestly though, I'm ok with this. I'm in no true mental state to handle another's emotions. It's like telling a kid with ADD to walk straight down an ailse at Toy R Us without stopping. There are just to many things that currently need my attention. I'd be great in a relationship, if I could just get over my mental hurdles. I could just try the whole man whore thing again like in January, but quite frankly random sex seems ditasteful. Oh my God, did I just say that and mean it? It's probably just b/c I go to NCF ( my brother Steve-O and I came up with a slogan for people here: Not ugly, but nothing special. EDIT: Seandave was also there and had some part in making up the phrase as well, we'll call it a group effort).
If only I could be with my ideal woman. There are only two problems in my way. One, she's married... to Peter Parker. Two, she doesn't exist. I've circumvented worse before?
What's the phrase? "Single and understanding why so I don't feel lonely." I'm sure it was that and nothing else.

I realized last night that my love life is in shambles. The only woman currently allowed in my bed is Samus Aran. Honestly though, I'm ok with this. I'm in no true mental state to handle another's emotions. It's like telling a kid with ADD to walk straight down an ailse at Toy R Us without stopping. There are just to many things that currently need my attention. I'd be great in a relationship, if I could just get over my mental hurdles. I could just try the whole man whore thing again like in January, but quite frankly random sex seems ditasteful. Oh my God, did I just say that and mean it? It's probably just b/c I go to NCF ( my brother Steve-O and I came up with a slogan for people here: Not ugly, but nothing special. EDIT: Seandave was also there and had some part in making up the phrase as well, we'll call it a group effort).
If only I could be with my ideal woman. There are only two problems in my way. One, she's married... to Peter Parker. Two, she doesn't exist. I've circumvented worse before?
What's the phrase? "Single and understanding why so I don't feel lonely." I'm sure it was that and nothing else.
hee hee thanks