Well my plans failed. Laura was just too loyal to Maia to let Jeff date her. Now as a result she has gotten back with Dave and Jeff is probably going to get with Maia. This might not mean much to anyone else but to me this is a grvious pair of tragedies. This next semester will be chock full of dramady (comedic drama).
I have been playing a good deal of DOA4 lately. There is an addictive quality to the game that just barely surpasses how frustrating it is. The game has alot of great qualities, I mean, booby physics aside. The characters are well rounded, um... thought out. The moves they perform seem more intricate and brutal then in other DOA servings. There are moments when I have had to pause the game in awe at the sheer amount of virtual pain I have inflicted on opponents. The stages and various arenas of combat are the best I've ever seen in a fighting game. When you fight in a dojo you crash through paper partitions and revolving doors. Eventually you can get knocked outside and off the mother fucking roof. The colors are lush and the sounds are striking. Even the soudtrack isn't half bad. As a bonus, Master Chief (Spartan something or other in game) is a playable character. Sure the voice over is a female and not neccesarily Cortana at that, but when I stick you with a plasma grenade and toss your ass off a bridge, you know your messing with Master Chief.
The down sides include an arguably precognitient AI and Alpha-152. The amount of times I get countered in DOA4 is ludacris. All I ask is that the cpu reaction times match those of humans. On the latter issue, DOA has always had odd boss battles. They are usually completely unlike anything else in the game and the boss difficulty is so unbalanced it makes Courtney Love look like a model member of society. Well, Team Ninja fixed the first problem and made the second unbearably worse. When I can walk through other combatants in time attack in about 5 minutes then have to take 20 minutes to defeat the boss that can kill me in two moves (literally) there is a definate problem.
I have not taken this on live yet so there are many features that I am missing out on. Before I set up my Live I want to make sure my 360 isn't going to die on me. It's been scaring me lately.
I have been playing a good deal of DOA4 lately. There is an addictive quality to the game that just barely surpasses how frustrating it is. The game has alot of great qualities, I mean, booby physics aside. The characters are well rounded, um... thought out. The moves they perform seem more intricate and brutal then in other DOA servings. There are moments when I have had to pause the game in awe at the sheer amount of virtual pain I have inflicted on opponents. The stages and various arenas of combat are the best I've ever seen in a fighting game. When you fight in a dojo you crash through paper partitions and revolving doors. Eventually you can get knocked outside and off the mother fucking roof. The colors are lush and the sounds are striking. Even the soudtrack isn't half bad. As a bonus, Master Chief (Spartan something or other in game) is a playable character. Sure the voice over is a female and not neccesarily Cortana at that, but when I stick you with a plasma grenade and toss your ass off a bridge, you know your messing with Master Chief.
The down sides include an arguably precognitient AI and Alpha-152. The amount of times I get countered in DOA4 is ludacris. All I ask is that the cpu reaction times match those of humans. On the latter issue, DOA has always had odd boss battles. They are usually completely unlike anything else in the game and the boss difficulty is so unbalanced it makes Courtney Love look like a model member of society. Well, Team Ninja fixed the first problem and made the second unbearably worse. When I can walk through other combatants in time attack in about 5 minutes then have to take 20 minutes to defeat the boss that can kill me in two moves (literally) there is a definate problem.
I have not taken this on live yet so there are many features that I am missing out on. Before I set up my Live I want to make sure my 360 isn't going to die on me. It's been scaring me lately.