It's that time again. ISPs are amongst us and they spell only one thing: trouble. I have yet to succeed in one of these endeavors. My first was on Mark Twain and his works. I wrote 50 some odd pages of analysis and it still wasn't good enough, mostly because the guidelines I was held to were so flexible as to be gaseous. Then as it turns out what I did wasn't in depth enough because I researched certifiable facts on what he was trying to say rather than a summary of what everyone else in academia thought he was trying to say. Sorry Lit. majors as it turns out the so called empirical research standards you "hold" yourselves to are actually so farcical as to make Mel Brooks laugh. Your major is a fucking hobby, not a livelihood.
My second ISP was on religion. Um... that one didn't go so well because I got bored. My bad. I slap my own wrist and flagellate myself over this one (Flagellate is not as obscene a word as it should be).
Now I am in number 3, which is Systems of Meaning. It is an anthropological ISP on American culture. Yeah I know, god damnit. Anthropology is nearly the weakest social science, I get enough shit for being a Psych major as it is. I thought I was getting a sociology ISP, nope, fake out. But I need to pass this one so I can get something under my belt, which I am sad to say isn't much (try not to extrapolate to much from that).
Other aspects of my life are interesting and problematic at the moment. The female gender vexes me now more than ever. I'm gonna go to the Vagina Monologues here at NCF. I hope maybe some secrets of the feminine mystique will open themselves up to me.
You know doing what you think is best can be really tough. A person can do good things but a good person does the right things. With all this subjectivity aside, I am striving to be the latter. Here's to hoping.
NO IT DOES NOT. What it suggests is that everybody sucks but me!
My second ISP was on religion. Um... that one didn't go so well because I got bored. My bad. I slap my own wrist and flagellate myself over this one (Flagellate is not as obscene a word as it should be).
Now I am in number 3, which is Systems of Meaning. It is an anthropological ISP on American culture. Yeah I know, god damnit. Anthropology is nearly the weakest social science, I get enough shit for being a Psych major as it is. I thought I was getting a sociology ISP, nope, fake out. But I need to pass this one so I can get something under my belt, which I am sad to say isn't much (try not to extrapolate to much from that).
Other aspects of my life are interesting and problematic at the moment. The female gender vexes me now more than ever. I'm gonna go to the Vagina Monologues here at NCF. I hope maybe some secrets of the feminine mystique will open themselves up to me.
You know doing what you think is best can be really tough. A person can do good things but a good person does the right things. With all this subjectivity aside, I am striving to be the latter. Here's to hoping.
NO IT DOES NOT. What it suggests is that everybody sucks but me!