Well guess i'll update. Not much new here. I did buy an x-mes tree today. Soooo now i have lights, a snowman on my wall, dancing/singing raindeer and now the tree. Still need snow. I think I will use the fome we have around here to make some. What else is new. The Elections will be held over here in 2 months. This should also make life better as in more ppl will be out having fun with guns. " One AP round would end it all" Yeah thats how i feel now a days. I think my music is all that keep me in good spirts anymore. Sooooo not much else for today.
We wouldnt have had to buy a X-Mas tree if I hadnt of had a worthless slut for a girlfriend.Im sure her X-Mas will be as merry as ever though,Living in her make believe world of joy and rapture that only booze and bought friends can give.Im so glad I keep it real.Do me a favor and shoot me if I ever stoop low enough and pay people to hang out with me.
Good luck on those AP rounds though.I think I know where to get some cheap in the market.Im pretty sure the care-bears are selling them.
when you coming home?