Good morning all
It has been AGES since my last blog, I am getting really bad at this but it has literally been one thing after another.
Let see, since the last time I wrote I have been down to London for Christmas with the boy and got loaded up with chocolate and christmas cake (gorgeous by the way) - it sounds bad but I didn't scoff the lot, in fact there is still about a third of it stashed in my kitchen draws.
My early christmas dinner with my flatmate - our last christmas together

I spent new years eve/day with a friend I have known since primary school, we worked out it has to be more than two decades, around the same amount of time as I have known Tragique WOW!.
We got a little tipsy on cider and played falling dominos with the jenga bricks once we got bored of playing jenga

I got a few of my friends together and went out for a meal and a few drinks. We decided to put pink glitter in every drink - I can't remember the reason - it was fun but there is one drink you should never do it with
Malibu and lemonade

Down to London for chinese new year with around 16 people. I am sure you have read Anonwhymous's review of the restaurant we went for the meal - it was bad. But the company and the drinks before hand were fun and following on from this one of the girls I have gotten to know quite well offered to take me around China Town on the Sunday so - venturing into London all alone - I met her at Charing Cross and we walked to China Town for bubble tea and then a gorgeous meal - I tried something new, Ginger chicken.

bubble tea

ginger chicken

This year I want to try something new every time I go out - I have my favourites but I need to branch out more
I have been trying to meet up with my friends from Stoke as much as possible before I leave including one friend who I love to play pool with. They all say they will miss me and this prompted a conversation leading to a plan for a 'Farewell Stoke' party one week before I move at my flat (1 week is enough time to clean up the mess right?) They are all chipping in for drinks, party games and nibbles and have promised there will be lots of photos to take with me when I go
For those of you who don't know - I will be leaving on the 17 March 2012 and moving in with Anonwhymous and his family until out new apartment is ready in Belvedere. EEP!
I realised I have planned so far ahead when last week I dismantled my room and put most things into boxes with 4 weeks still to go. I sold my bookcases to my mate and I am currently selling other items including my New Rocks to make some money for the hire of the van. Oh well.
Recently, only last week in fact I was rather surprised to receive my valentines card with a train ticket inside. After we had decided that he would leave after visiting the first week of feb and there would be 5 and a half weeks before we saw each other again (when I move) With 5 hours to get ready having not planned for this and sitting in my pjs in a housework stricken flat, I dropped everything and spend 4 days including valentines day with the man I love (permission to vomit here).
The move is so close now it is scary and with everything to organise, plan and trying to squeeze everything in before I go my head is rapidly reaching maximum capacity.
Think that's all for now - onto something more light hearted to end with
Films I have seen this year so far...
18 Jan - WAR HORSE - good, much like the Sean Bean version of Black beauty but set during a war
25 Jan - Sherlock - AWESOME - I really hope they keep making these
14 Jan - The Woman in Black - best scary movie I have seen in a while, tempted to see it a second time
Chronicle - not amazing but a really good watch
More soon folks I promise, possibly a picture of me tearing my hair out the night before I leave Stoke for good
Prawn xxx
It has been AGES since my last blog, I am getting really bad at this but it has literally been one thing after another.
Let see, since the last time I wrote I have been down to London for Christmas with the boy and got loaded up with chocolate and christmas cake (gorgeous by the way) - it sounds bad but I didn't scoff the lot, in fact there is still about a third of it stashed in my kitchen draws.
My early christmas dinner with my flatmate - our last christmas together

I spent new years eve/day with a friend I have known since primary school, we worked out it has to be more than two decades, around the same amount of time as I have known Tragique WOW!.
We got a little tipsy on cider and played falling dominos with the jenga bricks once we got bored of playing jenga

I got a few of my friends together and went out for a meal and a few drinks. We decided to put pink glitter in every drink - I can't remember the reason - it was fun but there is one drink you should never do it with
Malibu and lemonade

Down to London for chinese new year with around 16 people. I am sure you have read Anonwhymous's review of the restaurant we went for the meal - it was bad. But the company and the drinks before hand were fun and following on from this one of the girls I have gotten to know quite well offered to take me around China Town on the Sunday so - venturing into London all alone - I met her at Charing Cross and we walked to China Town for bubble tea and then a gorgeous meal - I tried something new, Ginger chicken.

bubble tea

ginger chicken

This year I want to try something new every time I go out - I have my favourites but I need to branch out more

I have been trying to meet up with my friends from Stoke as much as possible before I leave including one friend who I love to play pool with. They all say they will miss me and this prompted a conversation leading to a plan for a 'Farewell Stoke' party one week before I move at my flat (1 week is enough time to clean up the mess right?) They are all chipping in for drinks, party games and nibbles and have promised there will be lots of photos to take with me when I go
For those of you who don't know - I will be leaving on the 17 March 2012 and moving in with Anonwhymous and his family until out new apartment is ready in Belvedere. EEP!
I realised I have planned so far ahead when last week I dismantled my room and put most things into boxes with 4 weeks still to go. I sold my bookcases to my mate and I am currently selling other items including my New Rocks to make some money for the hire of the van. Oh well.
Recently, only last week in fact I was rather surprised to receive my valentines card with a train ticket inside. After we had decided that he would leave after visiting the first week of feb and there would be 5 and a half weeks before we saw each other again (when I move) With 5 hours to get ready having not planned for this and sitting in my pjs in a housework stricken flat, I dropped everything and spend 4 days including valentines day with the man I love (permission to vomit here).
The move is so close now it is scary and with everything to organise, plan and trying to squeeze everything in before I go my head is rapidly reaching maximum capacity.
Think that's all for now - onto something more light hearted to end with
Films I have seen this year so far...
18 Jan - WAR HORSE - good, much like the Sean Bean version of Black beauty but set during a war
25 Jan - Sherlock - AWESOME - I really hope they keep making these
14 Jan - The Woman in Black - best scary movie I have seen in a while, tempted to see it a second time
Chronicle - not amazing but a really good watch
More soon folks I promise, possibly a picture of me tearing my hair out the night before I leave Stoke for good
Prawn xxx
Good luck with your new life Prawnio. Keep in touch. x