Good evening all
The festive season is upon us. Good or bad...I cannot decide right now but here is an update of things so far:
Thankfully the stomach bug I had last time I updated went away after a few days and I got back on my feet. Whatever it was I hope never to have it again.
My Business Admin course with the job centre has been and gone. 5 weeks in a classroom brought back horrific memories, but thankfully my 8 classmates were wonderful and our tutor told us we were the chattiest, most entertaining group she has ever had and also we were so fast to 'bond', she'd never seen anything like it. I like to think I contributed to the cheer somehow by making Friday mini chocolate day (bringing in funsize bag of chocs to share around)
The really crap thing was that I had to miss the Red Hot Chilli Peppers gig on November 10th but I was informed that a true fan had my ticket and had a wonderful time PHEW!
The boy came down for his birthday weekend and we celebrated as you should on any birthday - with CAKE!!
No sooner was the weekend over but I had another of my mystery fits - the attack of the undiagnosed illness I call it now - but I have to look at the positive side, statistically I am not likely to have another one until after the new year
Finally the college course was over and in one day I completed 5 online exams, took a train down to London and changed in time to travel to Wemberly Arena to see Alter Bridge LIve! it was AWESOME!
and...they played one of my favourite songs 'wonderful life' acoustically and the whole stadium was lit only with phone lights
Since this I have only been doing the usual job seeking and house cleaning, but I seem to have developed some Christmas spirit since December started. I bought mince pies from a very nice bakery in town for me and my flatmate...
First mince pie and cuppa of the season
I managed to sort out all my presents and cards on a reasonable budget and in just two weeks. Today I can say everything is ready for Christmas. I received my gift from secret santa (which I have not opened) and I sent mine out - fingers crossed come Christmas day they will love it. I have never done secret santa before but I enjoyed picking out a gift for a random person and sending it out...might join in again next year. I have also send presents to Tragique and Rosieblue (who opened us early - tut tut) but she really liked it so I'm pleased.
Future plans:
Bognor - next weekend
. A short Christmas holiday to Butlins in Bognor for a few days - still hoping the red coats will be dressed as sexy santa's helpers
Christmas - spending 5 days with the boy and his family in London - damn what will I wear (no seriously my wardrobe sucks ass right now - started to notice holes and rips and I have no budget to replace them - BOO!)
Really looking forward to the Doctor Who Christmas special - I cannot believe how into it I have gotten in the past year. - weird - but GOOD!
The fear has officially set in about moving to London in March. It is not that I don't wanna go, and it is not that I do not like London but I think my main fear is the fresh start with someone new. I have been through this twice before and I guess when it goes wrong once you can pass it off as a bad experience and move on. when it happens twice you get a bit uneasy. I believe it will not happen a third time, but my self confidence is shaking just a little. fingers crossed.
They say that 3 months before a big event is a good point to start planning, but I have been planning and preparing finances for months - maybe I am over-prepared. Hmm
Anyway, think that is everything for now. I am hoping to join the Birthday bash in January so I will see some of you there - still not sure what to wear but I am hoping my black goth/hippy dress may but the 90s theme.
Love you all xx
The festive season is upon us. Good or bad...I cannot decide right now but here is an update of things so far:
Thankfully the stomach bug I had last time I updated went away after a few days and I got back on my feet. Whatever it was I hope never to have it again.
My Business Admin course with the job centre has been and gone. 5 weeks in a classroom brought back horrific memories, but thankfully my 8 classmates were wonderful and our tutor told us we were the chattiest, most entertaining group she has ever had and also we were so fast to 'bond', she'd never seen anything like it. I like to think I contributed to the cheer somehow by making Friday mini chocolate day (bringing in funsize bag of chocs to share around)
The really crap thing was that I had to miss the Red Hot Chilli Peppers gig on November 10th but I was informed that a true fan had my ticket and had a wonderful time PHEW!
The boy came down for his birthday weekend and we celebrated as you should on any birthday - with CAKE!!

No sooner was the weekend over but I had another of my mystery fits - the attack of the undiagnosed illness I call it now - but I have to look at the positive side, statistically I am not likely to have another one until after the new year

Finally the college course was over and in one day I completed 5 online exams, took a train down to London and changed in time to travel to Wemberly Arena to see Alter Bridge LIve! it was AWESOME!

and...they played one of my favourite songs 'wonderful life' acoustically and the whole stadium was lit only with phone lights

Since this I have only been doing the usual job seeking and house cleaning, but I seem to have developed some Christmas spirit since December started. I bought mince pies from a very nice bakery in town for me and my flatmate...

First mince pie and cuppa of the season
I managed to sort out all my presents and cards on a reasonable budget and in just two weeks. Today I can say everything is ready for Christmas. I received my gift from secret santa (which I have not opened) and I sent mine out - fingers crossed come Christmas day they will love it. I have never done secret santa before but I enjoyed picking out a gift for a random person and sending it out...might join in again next year. I have also send presents to Tragique and Rosieblue (who opened us early - tut tut) but she really liked it so I'm pleased.
Future plans:
Bognor - next weekend

Christmas - spending 5 days with the boy and his family in London - damn what will I wear (no seriously my wardrobe sucks ass right now - started to notice holes and rips and I have no budget to replace them - BOO!)
Really looking forward to the Doctor Who Christmas special - I cannot believe how into it I have gotten in the past year. - weird - but GOOD!
The fear has officially set in about moving to London in March. It is not that I don't wanna go, and it is not that I do not like London but I think my main fear is the fresh start with someone new. I have been through this twice before and I guess when it goes wrong once you can pass it off as a bad experience and move on. when it happens twice you get a bit uneasy. I believe it will not happen a third time, but my self confidence is shaking just a little. fingers crossed.
They say that 3 months before a big event is a good point to start planning, but I have been planning and preparing finances for months - maybe I am over-prepared. Hmm
Anyway, think that is everything for now. I am hoping to join the Birthday bash in January so I will see some of you there - still not sure what to wear but I am hoping my black goth/hippy dress may but the 90s theme.
Love you all xx