Good evening all
Since my last blog there has been a significant change in my circumstances: I am NO LONGER a student. On the 5th of May (earlier than planned) I handed in ALL my uni work to the office and got a withering look from the receptionist at the amount of forms she had to check and tick off but it was worth it as coming home was the most relaxing bus journey I have had in years and the cup of tea made for me by my flatmate tasted extra ordinary!

The next evening, the Friday, I decided to treat myself and my flat mate to a curry, mainly to say thank you for all his hard work proof reading my work over the three years I have been doing the course, he has been invaluable and I am so grateful to him. The curry was YUMMY!
Saturday evening I ventured down to London on a late train to meet Anonwhymous after his late shift at 22:30 Yawn! And get a good nights sleep after spending time ranting about how good it feels not to have my room and my laptop flooded with work and files. We decided to invite a few people to join in my small celebration of this new feeling and went to the O2 where I enjoyed Alcoholic Ice Teas and we all enjoyed a Harvester meal.

I must admit that waking up in the morning not having to do uni work that had been stuffed into my suitcase was a blessing, but what to do. My OCD kicked in and I tidied the bedroom everything into piles, boxes and I was that close to breaking out the vacuum but realised I didnt know where it was kept. We went to see Thor and Hanna at the cinema; which were both excellent you must see!
We also went to see the Titanic Exhibition at the O2 which, for 13 a ticket, was very good. I resisted the urge to buy some tat in the gift shop at the end due to my skint budget, but still...worth a look.
It has been somewhat a bit of a black hole of time since I returned. There is that space between being grateful for the rest time and bored stiff from the lack of something to do that gets your mind wondering off into so many random places it is a little distracting.
The Job hunt officially started on Monday the 16th, and at the end of the first week I feel like I have already sucked the job market dry. I have applied for anything and everything I can. The problem I have always had is that people advertise for employees with specific experience already in place but to gain that experience you need to have had a job like that already (most likely with some experience already in place) therefore, how are you meant to gain the experience unless you get the job and the employer who is willing to train you which most are not it seems because they want a quick and easy transaction money for a (trained) human doormat.
I also found out that I am not officially an unemployed person until July the 2nd. Until then I still class as a student which means I cannot claim job seekers allowance and I cannot get advice from said job centre unless I register with them as a jobseeker which I cannot do till July the 2nd. So, choices at the moment are:
1: Sit in arse and let arse grow slowly bigger and flat on one side from lying down to watch television, I think NOT
2: Keep finding housework to do until brain slowly rots away from the bleach
3: Desperately search for a job independent of the job centre and any advice until July 2nd
4: find some volunteer work until I can get some financial stability from wither JSA or a job
At present, I am thinking a mix of 3 and 4 might be the key with an inevitable dash of 2. It has been suggested by a friend that volunteer work is best while you are looking for a new paid job as if I choose wisely I can get some experience which might help when going for the paid job that appeals, this sounds like some sound advice. I have also been told by a fellow student who also now has nothing to do that sitting on her arse is her main goal until she can be arsed to move out of her parent's home. Charming!
I can honestly say at this point that although a level of frustration is evidently present, I am happy at the moment. I am coping well and know I have a little time before the bank notices I have no money so a deadline of August 1st has been set in my head, not formally but as a marker to have something viable in place.
On a much higher and happier note, I am going to see Phantom of the Opera this coming week at Her Majestys Theatre in Haymarket London. Very EXCITED. Apparently the lead has been said to be the best Phantom Ever!
That seems to be all for now my lovelies. More soon I promise. Keep in touch
Prawn x
Since my last blog there has been a significant change in my circumstances: I am NO LONGER a student. On the 5th of May (earlier than planned) I handed in ALL my uni work to the office and got a withering look from the receptionist at the amount of forms she had to check and tick off but it was worth it as coming home was the most relaxing bus journey I have had in years and the cup of tea made for me by my flatmate tasted extra ordinary!

The next evening, the Friday, I decided to treat myself and my flat mate to a curry, mainly to say thank you for all his hard work proof reading my work over the three years I have been doing the course, he has been invaluable and I am so grateful to him. The curry was YUMMY!
Saturday evening I ventured down to London on a late train to meet Anonwhymous after his late shift at 22:30 Yawn! And get a good nights sleep after spending time ranting about how good it feels not to have my room and my laptop flooded with work and files. We decided to invite a few people to join in my small celebration of this new feeling and went to the O2 where I enjoyed Alcoholic Ice Teas and we all enjoyed a Harvester meal.

I must admit that waking up in the morning not having to do uni work that had been stuffed into my suitcase was a blessing, but what to do. My OCD kicked in and I tidied the bedroom everything into piles, boxes and I was that close to breaking out the vacuum but realised I didnt know where it was kept. We went to see Thor and Hanna at the cinema; which were both excellent you must see!
We also went to see the Titanic Exhibition at the O2 which, for 13 a ticket, was very good. I resisted the urge to buy some tat in the gift shop at the end due to my skint budget, but still...worth a look.
It has been somewhat a bit of a black hole of time since I returned. There is that space between being grateful for the rest time and bored stiff from the lack of something to do that gets your mind wondering off into so many random places it is a little distracting.
The Job hunt officially started on Monday the 16th, and at the end of the first week I feel like I have already sucked the job market dry. I have applied for anything and everything I can. The problem I have always had is that people advertise for employees with specific experience already in place but to gain that experience you need to have had a job like that already (most likely with some experience already in place) therefore, how are you meant to gain the experience unless you get the job and the employer who is willing to train you which most are not it seems because they want a quick and easy transaction money for a (trained) human doormat.
I also found out that I am not officially an unemployed person until July the 2nd. Until then I still class as a student which means I cannot claim job seekers allowance and I cannot get advice from said job centre unless I register with them as a jobseeker which I cannot do till July the 2nd. So, choices at the moment are:
1: Sit in arse and let arse grow slowly bigger and flat on one side from lying down to watch television, I think NOT
2: Keep finding housework to do until brain slowly rots away from the bleach
3: Desperately search for a job independent of the job centre and any advice until July 2nd
4: find some volunteer work until I can get some financial stability from wither JSA or a job
At present, I am thinking a mix of 3 and 4 might be the key with an inevitable dash of 2. It has been suggested by a friend that volunteer work is best while you are looking for a new paid job as if I choose wisely I can get some experience which might help when going for the paid job that appeals, this sounds like some sound advice. I have also been told by a fellow student who also now has nothing to do that sitting on her arse is her main goal until she can be arsed to move out of her parent's home. Charming!
I can honestly say at this point that although a level of frustration is evidently present, I am happy at the moment. I am coping well and know I have a little time before the bank notices I have no money so a deadline of August 1st has been set in my head, not formally but as a marker to have something viable in place.
On a much higher and happier note, I am going to see Phantom of the Opera this coming week at Her Majestys Theatre in Haymarket London. Very EXCITED. Apparently the lead has been said to be the best Phantom Ever!
That seems to be all for now my lovelies. More soon I promise. Keep in touch
Prawn x
As you are still a student you are still able to use you uni's career service (assuming they have one) so you should pop in there and see what help they can give you. They should at least be able to advise you on how to make you course look good on a CV.
JohnnyForigner will be your man there as its his mug lol