Good evening
It is a good evening too. Right now I am sitting updating photos and clearing the crap from my computer. The last month has been so hectic that all those little things that because they are so small don't get dealt with, well they are dealt with now, finally.
Not much has happened of any excitement in the past month I will be honest. I have been swamped with work so most other activities have been put on hold. However, I did find time to shimmy down to London and have my first Wagamama since Amsterdam:
I think Causy will have to agree with me here when I say that this looks damn tasty. I have been drooling over his food pics in facebook for days.
On the major probs front from my last blog, they have been reasonably sorted out. My flat mate has decided to allow me till January to get myself sorted which means more time to look for somewhere to live and a job This does mean however that I have to find a temporary job here to pay the bills but while I am still keeping an eye out, no serious action is being taken till ALL my uni work is finished, handed in and I have had a celebratory drink -- Speaking of which on the 8th May, I will be at the O2 in the bar with a very alcoholic Ice Tea if anyone wants to come help me drink the bar dry.
I have set myself a deadline on May 6th for all my uni work, it is earlier than I anticipated but I want to celebrate with Anonwhymous and others and the weekend following the 6th is a nice long weekend for us.
I will admit it feels strange that I will have nothing that NEEDS doing after that date (bar the housework obviously) until I get a job but at the same time I will be glad for the relaxation time. I have not read a book by choice in weeks and am actually fantasising about curling up on the sofa with a book and a cuppa. Weird?
I have several plans for after uni including getting a job and a place to live which include trying to start up an online community writing club. The website has been set up thanks to Tragique my dedicated administrator who will be paid in minature food and treats when I have cash. Although it has not been fully fitted out yet, feel free to take a look
Creative Writing website
This comes complete with a dedicated email account that I have set up for enquiries
I think that is all for now, told you it was quiet. I have been thinking of future projects and things but all those can wait until I have some solid plans.
Love you all
Prawn x
It is a good evening too. Right now I am sitting updating photos and clearing the crap from my computer. The last month has been so hectic that all those little things that because they are so small don't get dealt with, well they are dealt with now, finally.
Not much has happened of any excitement in the past month I will be honest. I have been swamped with work so most other activities have been put on hold. However, I did find time to shimmy down to London and have my first Wagamama since Amsterdam:

I think Causy will have to agree with me here when I say that this looks damn tasty. I have been drooling over his food pics in facebook for days.
On the major probs front from my last blog, they have been reasonably sorted out. My flat mate has decided to allow me till January to get myself sorted which means more time to look for somewhere to live and a job This does mean however that I have to find a temporary job here to pay the bills but while I am still keeping an eye out, no serious action is being taken till ALL my uni work is finished, handed in and I have had a celebratory drink -- Speaking of which on the 8th May, I will be at the O2 in the bar with a very alcoholic Ice Tea if anyone wants to come help me drink the bar dry.
I have set myself a deadline on May 6th for all my uni work, it is earlier than I anticipated but I want to celebrate with Anonwhymous and others and the weekend following the 6th is a nice long weekend for us.
I will admit it feels strange that I will have nothing that NEEDS doing after that date (bar the housework obviously) until I get a job but at the same time I will be glad for the relaxation time. I have not read a book by choice in weeks and am actually fantasising about curling up on the sofa with a book and a cuppa. Weird?
I have several plans for after uni including getting a job and a place to live which include trying to start up an online community writing club. The website has been set up thanks to Tragique my dedicated administrator who will be paid in minature food and treats when I have cash. Although it has not been fully fitted out yet, feel free to take a look
Creative Writing website
This comes complete with a dedicated email account that I have set up for enquiries

I think that is all for now, told you it was quiet. I have been thinking of future projects and things but all those can wait until I have some solid plans.
Love you all
Prawn x
i'd love to be involved with your creative writing project. trag did a great job on the site. let me know when its up and running a little more!