On todays show we are asking...
Is a new years friends purge really that heartless?
Its been a rough week to say the least. I would expect uni work and travelling and housework to wear me down but no, not the case.
Last Monday some of my friends staged an intervention. They all said they would meet me in the uni bar separately but when I got there, they were all there and all of them had something to say about my apparent behaviour since I came back from Amsterdam. One girl is appalled, another is worried beyond belief and my guy mate is paranoid for my safety. What have I done to warrant such worries you ask...as far as I am aware, nothing. When I came back I was lively, happy, and generally a little hyper but thats normal after a holiday right?
They are worried that I have become careless and I was actually called stupid! I got a little upset by this and asked what I could do to reassure them if indeed they could see something I could not. I was told to go back to the way I was before I went away...baring in mind that before I went away I had to most awesome Summer with these guys and everything was fine, but I vowed that I would not let myself get distracted when I started uni again and that my degree was what I wanted first and foremost, and I was not going to take any shit from anyone. If this is what has made me change then fair enough I take no shit, but is that what they want, me to go back to a human doormat?
I realise I may have said some of this before but I think its worth reiterating here that most of my friends have not seen a major change, one person commented that I am a bit more forward with people in that I can actually say No to people when they ask of me something I cant actually provide instead of saying Yes and then stretching myself every which way for them. its just these four people, one of which has only recently admitted she feels to same because she was worried I would get so mad with my new attitude to things.
Brutality is not a quality I generally like in people, but the past week or so I have been going through my phone, facebook and address book and erasing people I have not spoken to or heard from in 12 months; apart from those I know are still in contact just far away of which there are several. These people are old school friends and random people Ive added, its just another name to add - is it not. Its the done thing now, Hi, whats your name...of right ill find you on facebook. I try not to do this but sometimes its just done.
Maybe I have become a brutal uncaring bitch
Maybe I have not done anything and just want things to be a bit more straight forward
Maybe they are genuinely worried - but then why the demand for my company we never see you meaning not every day like over the summer HELLO 3rd year of UNI not a good enough reason why Im not spending my days in the uni bar slowly wasting time.
I think my brain needs to time to think...apologies for the rant
If however you have an opinion, whatever it may be please offer it
I want everyone to always be honest, whatever it is...but an intervention is a little too much for me to take...saying that...here comes another
On a positive note, those of you that know me in person, PM me your address and you will receive a Christmas card, and I will add you to my book :-p
Is a new years friends purge really that heartless?
Its been a rough week to say the least. I would expect uni work and travelling and housework to wear me down but no, not the case.
Last Monday some of my friends staged an intervention. They all said they would meet me in the uni bar separately but when I got there, they were all there and all of them had something to say about my apparent behaviour since I came back from Amsterdam. One girl is appalled, another is worried beyond belief and my guy mate is paranoid for my safety. What have I done to warrant such worries you ask...as far as I am aware, nothing. When I came back I was lively, happy, and generally a little hyper but thats normal after a holiday right?
They are worried that I have become careless and I was actually called stupid! I got a little upset by this and asked what I could do to reassure them if indeed they could see something I could not. I was told to go back to the way I was before I went away...baring in mind that before I went away I had to most awesome Summer with these guys and everything was fine, but I vowed that I would not let myself get distracted when I started uni again and that my degree was what I wanted first and foremost, and I was not going to take any shit from anyone. If this is what has made me change then fair enough I take no shit, but is that what they want, me to go back to a human doormat?
I realise I may have said some of this before but I think its worth reiterating here that most of my friends have not seen a major change, one person commented that I am a bit more forward with people in that I can actually say No to people when they ask of me something I cant actually provide instead of saying Yes and then stretching myself every which way for them. its just these four people, one of which has only recently admitted she feels to same because she was worried I would get so mad with my new attitude to things.
Brutality is not a quality I generally like in people, but the past week or so I have been going through my phone, facebook and address book and erasing people I have not spoken to or heard from in 12 months; apart from those I know are still in contact just far away of which there are several. These people are old school friends and random people Ive added, its just another name to add - is it not. Its the done thing now, Hi, whats your name...of right ill find you on facebook. I try not to do this but sometimes its just done.
Maybe I have become a brutal uncaring bitch
Maybe I have not done anything and just want things to be a bit more straight forward
Maybe they are genuinely worried - but then why the demand for my company we never see you meaning not every day like over the summer HELLO 3rd year of UNI not a good enough reason why Im not spending my days in the uni bar slowly wasting time.
I think my brain needs to time to think...apologies for the rant
If however you have an opinion, whatever it may be please offer it
I want everyone to always be honest, whatever it is...but an intervention is a little too much for me to take...saying that...here comes another

On a positive note, those of you that know me in person, PM me your address and you will receive a Christmas card, and I will add you to my book :-p
Good to have met you last night.
nice to meet you the other day x