Good Afternoon my lovely ladies
This week has been unfolding rather fabulously. I travelled down to Leeds on Sunday the 8th and after surviving an old snoring deafening man and a crown of Leeds rugby fans I made it to Hazzad and Mirishal's Pad. Granted now I am thinking I should have planned ahead and just bought 1 large suitcase on wheels but NO I had to have the little red wheelie and the backpack that looks like I am going hiking. Still after meeting Secretary off the coach and getting a little wet we all made it back and took a deep breath....the week in pics so far bought to you by Hazzad, Mirishal, Prawn and Secretary
Be prepared for lots of images!
Random view from train

Random pic of me


Within minutes....Secretary and the divine fluff!

First night out - it's a sign I need to get that tatoo SOON


For anyone who was in SGUK chat on Sunday night....this will look familiar!

The Black Books drinking game...I have been introduced to the easy version....NEVER AGAIN! WINE WINE and MORE WINE

Exploring time - VIntage shops = NEW hats

A visit to the Royal Armoury..

...and the Chinese supermarket, introducing the strangest fruit I have ever seen

The Durian
I am going to do a seperate blog with Mirishal's cooking delights in - They are YUMMY and deserve their very own showcase!

I have never been here but when I go to the Lakes, I am used to seeing small towns and odly named all has its own very quaint feel to it.....the best thing is that the chippies are ALWAYS nice!

..and it's only Thursday morning, currently watching Hazzad and Mirishal play Lego star wars and Secretary reading Bizarre! Well we deserve a break!
There are already over 120 photos in my computer for this trip and there is no way I could post them all...this is the bare minimum.
There will be more to come for this week and the Vegan cooking prepared! xxx

This week has been unfolding rather fabulously. I travelled down to Leeds on Sunday the 8th and after surviving an old snoring deafening man and a crown of Leeds rugby fans I made it to Hazzad and Mirishal's Pad. Granted now I am thinking I should have planned ahead and just bought 1 large suitcase on wheels but NO I had to have the little red wheelie and the backpack that looks like I am going hiking. Still after meeting Secretary off the coach and getting a little wet we all made it back and took a deep breath....the week in pics so far bought to you by Hazzad, Mirishal, Prawn and Secretary
Be prepared for lots of images!
Random view from train

Random pic of me


Within minutes....Secretary and the divine fluff!

First night out - it's a sign I need to get that tatoo SOON


For anyone who was in SGUK chat on Sunday night....this will look familiar!

The Black Books drinking game...I have been introduced to the easy version....NEVER AGAIN! WINE WINE and MORE WINE

Exploring time - VIntage shops = NEW hats

A visit to the Royal Armoury..

...and the Chinese supermarket, introducing the strangest fruit I have ever seen

The Durian
I am going to do a seperate blog with Mirishal's cooking delights in - They are YUMMY and deserve their very own showcase!

I have never been here but when I go to the Lakes, I am used to seeing small towns and odly named all has its own very quaint feel to it.....the best thing is that the chippies are ALWAYS nice!

..and it's only Thursday morning, currently watching Hazzad and Mirishal play Lego star wars and Secretary reading Bizarre! Well we deserve a break!
There are already over 120 photos in my computer for this trip and there is no way I could post them all...this is the bare minimum.
There will be more to come for this week and the Vegan cooking prepared! xxx

Work has calmed a little, sleepy now though =[
I hate Sundays in work and it's sunny too! Booooooooo!! x