Well it has been a productive... interesting week this week, and the sun has been shining for most if it, lets see:
- Monday: Went into town with a friend, had lunch and got her very long to do list done, followed by finally getting my ears pierced again and figuring out what tattooist I want and where to get them..unless by some miracle I can get to Manchester.
- Tuesday: Cleaned the bathroom from top to bottom, including the bit behind the sink. Went out with a friend and her friend to Newcastle and had a few drinks and a good chat about various things - why is it that when 3 or more girls are together, sex always comes into the conversation? One good thing is that her friend has invited us both to go to her farm where she has horses and monster QUAD BIKES so there will defo be some photos of that :-)
- Wednesday: Cleaned the rest of the flat and caught up with the washing and the dishes as well as sorted through my paperwork...letter came from specsavers but that can wait til next week.
- Thursday: I might finally be coming through my writers block, I picked up by ideas folder and started to annotate some old stuff and later on got onto the net looking for writers competitions to enter, at the very least the ones I found give you a free critique if you include a self addressed envelope.
Writing comps
- Friday: the best day - Slept in late and went out from 2pm with friends, 7 in total and had a great afternoon in LAKOTA with cocktails and food followed by Revolution with flavoured shots and two friends trying 88% Vodka. then a drink in the black friar watching some of the football match, and then the Albert with Karaoke and come midnight, spin the bottle. I have not seen the photos yet but not wanting to choose Truth as everyone else was doing, I chose Dare three times which included me pole dancing round a pool cue and putting my underwear on over my clothes and spending the rest of the night like that....Well I had been drinking and eating for 10 hours at this point.

Apoligies to Tragique, I had my first Mcdonalds out of the 2 I am aloud a year without her

- Saturday: I said NO to my sister!!
She asked for money and I told her no, I said she needs to learn to plan ahead. She also found out I was single and said its the perfect opportunity to try to talk to the parents again (my parents don't like partner one little bit) i I said I would rather be hated for what I am than loved for who I am not. (Famous quote I believe...she said it was the stupidest thing she had ever heard.
Right so, now its Sunday, the sun is shining and I'm on the sofa with a fresh brew and a good film about to start and I am pooped, emotionally and physically drained.
I found out that 4 out of the 8 girls I have on my face SG list have inactive accounts - I hope they stay in touch. As for the rest of you ladies...hugs and stuff and enjoy the sun
TA TA for now xxx
I hope you're good too honey, congrats on being strong with your sister. x