Hey all
Well i am 5 weeks into my Summer Bum mode and getting a little bored. In 5 weeks I have produced a very NEAT and TIDY bedroom of my very own.

Its so weird to have my own space but I am settling in now and even went out the other day to buy little bits and pieces like soft purple pillows for my bed and chair that you just cant have in a shared bedroom with a guy (they seem to think its too girly). I have got posters up now and when I went today I treated myself to a new backpack and some books. I also bit the bullet and had my ears pieced (second time - have been saying I will do it for like 2 months and either forget or don't have the time) Forgot the weird sensation when all the blood rushes to your ears and they actually feel hot. lol.
I am finally getting on top of the housework again and the place is pretty tidy at the moment, just the ironing that's staring at me - as usual.
I really want to make the most of this summer and still want to go down to see the sea at some point, so hae asked a friend is he feels like gathering some friends and a couple of cars to go to the sea for the day - not sure where yet, this is ofcourse seperate from the trip to see Mirishal soon. I am hoping to go to see Tragique as well before the summer is out, fingers crossed.
I have been out with a few friends during the past few weeks - and they finally got back at me taking random pictures:

(these are some of the better ones)
OH OH have finally decided on my next 2 tatoos. FINALLY. have been umming and arring for months now and finally decided to have CARPE DIEM on my other wrist and a quote down my other leg
'No one can make you inferior without your consent'
not sure what style of writing yet but that can come when I choose a tatooist and he/she can give their own input - I do like to share.
Think that's it for now - Hope all is well with you guys xxxxxx
Well i am 5 weeks into my Summer Bum mode and getting a little bored. In 5 weeks I have produced a very NEAT and TIDY bedroom of my very own.

Its so weird to have my own space but I am settling in now and even went out the other day to buy little bits and pieces like soft purple pillows for my bed and chair that you just cant have in a shared bedroom with a guy (they seem to think its too girly). I have got posters up now and when I went today I treated myself to a new backpack and some books. I also bit the bullet and had my ears pieced (second time - have been saying I will do it for like 2 months and either forget or don't have the time) Forgot the weird sensation when all the blood rushes to your ears and they actually feel hot. lol.
I am finally getting on top of the housework again and the place is pretty tidy at the moment, just the ironing that's staring at me - as usual.
I really want to make the most of this summer and still want to go down to see the sea at some point, so hae asked a friend is he feels like gathering some friends and a couple of cars to go to the sea for the day - not sure where yet, this is ofcourse seperate from the trip to see Mirishal soon. I am hoping to go to see Tragique as well before the summer is out, fingers crossed.
I have been out with a few friends during the past few weeks - and they finally got back at me taking random pictures:

(these are some of the better ones)
OH OH have finally decided on my next 2 tatoos. FINALLY. have been umming and arring for months now and finally decided to have CARPE DIEM on my other wrist and a quote down my other leg
'No one can make you inferior without your consent'
not sure what style of writing yet but that can come when I choose a tatooist and he/she can give their own input - I do like to share.
Think that's it for now - Hope all is well with you guys xxxxxx
I can't wait till you guys come over, did I say about the first week or 2 in august to you? xx