Easter is a time when catholics turn to me and ask that i respect their holiday, after all it is more important than christmas.............i respect them and thats fine but what i dont need is songs of praise bellowing though my building at full blast ion sunday morning when im trying to sleep
ANYWAY apart from that little grumble, all is well. I am finally well again after another incident with my illness and have managed to clear the flat of ironing and washing and bits of things on the carpet. hm randon idea for photos - 1950s housewife after hours lol
Uni essays are near completion and al i have to is edit and hand them in, harder than it sounds but illl get it done, and i already have two dates for summer, one for going to london to see an old freind and one to go and see family member - one of the ones still talking to me - in liverpool, should be fun.
Love to all xxx
ANYWAY apart from that little grumble, all is well. I am finally well again after another incident with my illness and have managed to clear the flat of ironing and washing and bits of things on the carpet. hm randon idea for photos - 1950s housewife after hours lol
Uni essays are near completion and al i have to is edit and hand them in, harder than it sounds but illl get it done, and i already have two dates for summer, one for going to london to see an old freind and one to go and see family member - one of the ones still talking to me - in liverpool, should be fun.
Love to all xxx
See you soon