Do you remember the song "57 Channels and nothing on"? I have 457 channels and still nothing on. Unless you want to see "Deathwatch 2005". My only comment is this: CNN, there's gotta be something else going on. Really.
So once again, DVD's are the way to go tonight. I'm trying to remember why I'm paying $80 for cable. Hmm...Deadwood...and...Dreamteam...and...HGTV. Oh, and I like the morning shows on BBC America. Cash in the Attic, Bargain Hunt, etc.
You know you're getting old when everything on TV is crap to you.
So once again, DVD's are the way to go tonight. I'm trying to remember why I'm paying $80 for cable. Hmm...Deadwood...and...Dreamteam...and...HGTV. Oh, and I like the morning shows on BBC America. Cash in the Attic, Bargain Hunt, etc.
You know you're getting old when everything on TV is crap to you.
we have a friend in common.....
welcome to our world here on SG!!
it is a fun place.....
write any time