Normally, I find encouragement when the people of the United States gather to demonstrate. It should make everyone proud. But what I'm seeing in the United States these days is down-right scary. There will always be a lunatic fringe on the left and the right; small minorities of bigots and racists, homophobes and hatemongers. And like all pests, they're usually so transparently ignorant and dumb. These town hall gatherings are no exception. Have you ever seen a more fascinating group of people? I understand fear; it's a driving force in America... a young country not far removed from World War 2 and The Cold War, and 11 Septembre, 2001. What is more powerful than fear? Ignorance and idiocy. We're witnessing the lot of them these days.
Today (and over the course of a few days) I have seen a sitting United States president drawn as Adolf Hitler. I have heard and read the word "Nazi" attributed to him, and he has been called a Fascist and, of course a Socialist. He has been told to "Go back home to Kenya". I read a sign today that said: "Stop the Trojan Horse of Islam!". Islam!!! My favourite was a sign held by a young woman; at the bottom it read: "Beck/Coulter 2012. Well, there you have it. The loons all out to play. Normally I'd chuckle at these ignorant pissants. But the frequency of the protests and the venom is frightening. In New Hampshire yesterday, a man proudly protested while his loaded gun was holstered!
I believe that, at its core, the United States in a moderate/conservative nation. They fear a God, they love their guns and believe they're taxed too much. I also believe that the demographic of this nation has changed so dramatically, that the fringes of the country are growing... older. And they won't go quietly into that dark night! I am amazed by these angry people. I am stunned that they call their president "Hitler". I'm not so stunned that the majority of them love NASCAR.
Today (and over the course of a few days) I have seen a sitting United States president drawn as Adolf Hitler. I have heard and read the word "Nazi" attributed to him, and he has been called a Fascist and, of course a Socialist. He has been told to "Go back home to Kenya". I read a sign today that said: "Stop the Trojan Horse of Islam!". Islam!!! My favourite was a sign held by a young woman; at the bottom it read: "Beck/Coulter 2012. Well, there you have it. The loons all out to play. Normally I'd chuckle at these ignorant pissants. But the frequency of the protests and the venom is frightening. In New Hampshire yesterday, a man proudly protested while his loaded gun was holstered!
I believe that, at its core, the United States in a moderate/conservative nation. They fear a God, they love their guns and believe they're taxed too much. I also believe that the demographic of this nation has changed so dramatically, that the fringes of the country are growing... older. And they won't go quietly into that dark night! I am amazed by these angry people. I am stunned that they call their president "Hitler". I'm not so stunned that the majority of them love NASCAR.
Thanks hun
awe Thank you for the comment on my Reflections Set hun I appreciate the support