Alright, let's see...
I'm having a very interesting week; learning a thing or two, and, at times recognizing how right I am about certain people and things. Good stuff... deep, too. I had every chance (deservedly, mind you) to have a postal moment at the shoppe, but... no. I decided to turn that frown upside-down! Fuck me if it didn't work, too. When things go a certain way, sometimes it's best to just accept it. I'm all about accepting today.
Some of the women here are just stunning. Drop-dead gorgeous quality.
It is HOT in these parts! Dangerously so. The heat index 'round here chimed in at a soothing 112 degrees. There's nothing like having your esophagus explode upon impact just by opening the damned door. Do it with a smile.
Jon Theodore leaving The Mars Volta is really disturbing. Anyone know why?
"abomibal" muscles still makes me laugh out loud.
Finally, Chubaka said something cute today: his gas got shut off at the homestead. But, he's alright with it because he can take a cold shower.
I'm having a very interesting week; learning a thing or two, and, at times recognizing how right I am about certain people and things. Good stuff... deep, too. I had every chance (deservedly, mind you) to have a postal moment at the shoppe, but... no. I decided to turn that frown upside-down! Fuck me if it didn't work, too. When things go a certain way, sometimes it's best to just accept it. I'm all about accepting today.
Some of the women here are just stunning. Drop-dead gorgeous quality.
It is HOT in these parts! Dangerously so. The heat index 'round here chimed in at a soothing 112 degrees. There's nothing like having your esophagus explode upon impact just by opening the damned door. Do it with a smile.
Jon Theodore leaving The Mars Volta is really disturbing. Anyone know why?
"abomibal" muscles still makes me laugh out loud.
Finally, Chubaka said something cute today: his gas got shut off at the homestead. But, he's alright with it because he can take a cold shower.

hey thanks for the comment on my set

Thank you!