There is some growing frustration at the shoppe... of a uber-craptastical kind (thanks for the word, Captian... it is still yours), that involves the micromanagement of our work. Far be it for me to criticize the corporate hacks who run the show... and toss me a dime or two bi-weekly (grrrrr), but is it really necessary to watch over our shoulders like small children in a preschool? And, is it so damned difficult to mop a friggin' floor or change a lightbulb??? I sound like a whiny little bitch, I know. Some people are out there shoveling shit for minimum wage, and I get to decorate a desk. But, like the Captain, I need a Holiday. Scarface is over there telling me to "Shut da fuk up... ju fukin' little munkie!". Thank God for musical drum solos and you VERY FINE ladies. The PityRant is about done... thanks for listening. Onward and Upward... (ahem)