So about 3 weeks ago, I walked out of my job pissed off... crossed the street and got a new job... I was actually pretty happy about this.. I may have even gloated a little bit..
so I wait a week.. then I start training...
I start noticing that my trainer doesn't really know what he's talking about most of the time... so I ask him a few questions about simple things.....
He tells me that when someone order's a double, it is 2oz of booze (wrong.. it's 2-1/2).. I ask him what kind of nuts are in the pesto and he tells me that there aren't any nuts in pesto (wrong again, dipshit.. I'm certainly glad that I don't have any food allergies and you're not my server).. I grin... bear it... nod my head and make it a point to learn more about my restaraunt than this guy that's training me knows....
so... the schedule is supposed to be posted by friday at 5pm... I look.. it's not posted yet... and I look every day after and it's still not posted.... finally, my last day of training (tuesday of last week), the schedule is posted, but I'm not on it... the schedule runs from wednesday to tuesday, and I assume that I'm not on it because I hadn't finished my training yet when the schedule was made and that I will just have to pick up shifts my first week.. this is actually a common thing in restaraunts. I leave a note on the bulletin board with both of my phone numbers on it.
Last night, I get a phone call from my work.. the first one I've gotten all week.. "Hi.. this is so and so from work... can you work for me tomorrow morning at 10".. I say sure...
when I get there at 10am, I'm informed that I have been let go because I missed a shift last wednesday and didn't call...
now wait a minute..
at 8:15pm last tuesday, I was not even on the schedule, and now you're telling me that I no-call/no-showed less than 12 hours later?!?!?!
so I ask the GM to show me the schedule and when I was scheduled to work.. because I know that I was not on it when I left tuesday night.... and the only way I could've read it wrong was if my name was spelled (horribly) wrong or if for some reason, my name was the only name on the schedule not in alphabetical order. He can't find it.. he fumbles through a binder.. and can not find any schedule with my name on it.... so he tells me to come back at 6pm and talk to the manager that does the scheduling....
When I talked to him, he seemed rather indeferrent and insisted that I had been on the schedule (even though no one ever showed me the schedule that I was allegedly on and I had multiple co-workers affirm that I was NOT on the schedule for the week in question).. so I turned in my shitty polo shirt and collected my paycheck...
on the plus side, it looks like I may have a pretty sweet job teaching.. and I also am interviewing at a fine-dining restaurant this afternoon for a part-time night job....
so maybe everything happens for a reason... I'm just ready to stop being broke....
so I wait a week.. then I start training...
I start noticing that my trainer doesn't really know what he's talking about most of the time... so I ask him a few questions about simple things.....
He tells me that when someone order's a double, it is 2oz of booze (wrong.. it's 2-1/2).. I ask him what kind of nuts are in the pesto and he tells me that there aren't any nuts in pesto (wrong again, dipshit.. I'm certainly glad that I don't have any food allergies and you're not my server).. I grin... bear it... nod my head and make it a point to learn more about my restaraunt than this guy that's training me knows....
so... the schedule is supposed to be posted by friday at 5pm... I look.. it's not posted yet... and I look every day after and it's still not posted.... finally, my last day of training (tuesday of last week), the schedule is posted, but I'm not on it... the schedule runs from wednesday to tuesday, and I assume that I'm not on it because I hadn't finished my training yet when the schedule was made and that I will just have to pick up shifts my first week.. this is actually a common thing in restaraunts. I leave a note on the bulletin board with both of my phone numbers on it.
Last night, I get a phone call from my work.. the first one I've gotten all week.. "Hi.. this is so and so from work... can you work for me tomorrow morning at 10".. I say sure...
when I get there at 10am, I'm informed that I have been let go because I missed a shift last wednesday and didn't call...
now wait a minute..
at 8:15pm last tuesday, I was not even on the schedule, and now you're telling me that I no-call/no-showed less than 12 hours later?!?!?!
so I ask the GM to show me the schedule and when I was scheduled to work.. because I know that I was not on it when I left tuesday night.... and the only way I could've read it wrong was if my name was spelled (horribly) wrong or if for some reason, my name was the only name on the schedule not in alphabetical order. He can't find it.. he fumbles through a binder.. and can not find any schedule with my name on it.... so he tells me to come back at 6pm and talk to the manager that does the scheduling....
When I talked to him, he seemed rather indeferrent and insisted that I had been on the schedule (even though no one ever showed me the schedule that I was allegedly on and I had multiple co-workers affirm that I was NOT on the schedule for the week in question).. so I turned in my shitty polo shirt and collected my paycheck...
on the plus side, it looks like I may have a pretty sweet job teaching.. and I also am interviewing at a fine-dining restaurant this afternoon for a part-time night job....
so maybe everything happens for a reason... I'm just ready to stop being broke....
What's the word on the street, homiiiiieeee?
I wish I had the sack to quit my job. The pay though is just enough to make it worth staying. But someday "fuck it" will escape my lips and those Chi-wanese novelty exporters will rue some serious shite.