Gabba Gabba Hey!
Finally am back in Vienna. Only one week of holidays is left. On 1st of October university starts again. Autumn is already beginning right now cold, nebulous and rainy. Yeah, the summer is over, it went so fast, unbelievable. So many exciting things happened. For example the Interrail trip with my trust friend fab_gumbaby, my holidays in Italy and Croatia, where my new expensive camera was stolen from my car. One of the funniest thing was certainly my yearly punkrock barbeque party at my parent's house, while they are in holidays. I am really glad that the house wasnt seriously damaged! This year there were even two real suicide girls: Valentina and Princess!
But now its fine to back in Vienna
Finally am back in Vienna. Only one week of holidays is left. On 1st of October university starts again. Autumn is already beginning right now cold, nebulous and rainy. Yeah, the summer is over, it went so fast, unbelievable. So many exciting things happened. For example the Interrail trip with my trust friend fab_gumbaby, my holidays in Italy and Croatia, where my new expensive camera was stolen from my car. One of the funniest thing was certainly my yearly punkrock barbeque party at my parent's house, while they are in holidays. I am really glad that the house wasnt seriously damaged! This year there were even two real suicide girls: Valentina and Princess!

But now its fine to back in Vienna
am fr. hab ich mir die slapbacks angschaut, glaub sind eh klassiker in , mir ham halt nur a bissl die wdn gfehlt, aber sonst wars ur lustig!!
nice greez