Ah, eviction...well, I suppose it's that time of year again; the
natural cycles of employment and unemployment moving like
the tides, towards you, the inevitably away again out to sea.
Lose hours at your job; fall into minor debt with your utilities,
then a well-timed bounded check to round the experience and
the next thing you know, you've got two weeks to change your
In case you don't know, this is a College Town. That means
everything, incl. the job market, is at the whim of the seasons
and the semesters. This, of course, is the lull. This is where you
hopefully have an alternate source of income, like drug running, or
you have a convenient internship, neither of which have worked out.
Well, at least I'm forced to deal with my accumulated posessions,
(i.e: pawnshops), and I get to life the ascetics life for awhile. Fun,fun,fun.
natural cycles of employment and unemployment moving like
the tides, towards you, the inevitably away again out to sea.
Lose hours at your job; fall into minor debt with your utilities,
then a well-timed bounded check to round the experience and
the next thing you know, you've got two weeks to change your
In case you don't know, this is a College Town. That means
everything, incl. the job market, is at the whim of the seasons
and the semesters. This, of course, is the lull. This is where you
hopefully have an alternate source of income, like drug running, or
you have a convenient internship, neither of which have worked out.
Well, at least I'm forced to deal with my accumulated posessions,
(i.e: pawnshops), and I get to life the ascetics life for awhile. Fun,fun,fun.
'hope you're good,