"...On October 13,1307, King Philip of France's forces descended on all the Templar
preceptories in France. The Pope was dismayed; technically, only he had juristiction
over the Templars. But Philip's force's threatened the Pope, so he quickly went along
with the king. Philip would soon be dismayed as well. Templar spies had gotten wind
of the impending arrests. having commanded a large fighting force, a large navy, and
a large merchant fleet, and having posessed the world's largest bank, through which
they were close to aristocrats and clerics throughout Europe, the Templars had intelligence
operations that were certainly surerior to those of the French king.Jaques de
Molay called in the order's books and had them burned. Many knights went underground.
And perhaps, most significantly, the treasure held in Paris, the second most desired
posession of King Phillip, vanished..."
But behind the veil of history, we know this treasure did not vanish. We know that this
treasure helped to support the survival of these underground knights, who had established
connections all over the world, through legal and illegal means. We know that from the time
of the Crusades through the 20th century an handfull of families have controlled the desting of
the world, it's course in history, through welth, status, and inter-marriage.
preceptories in France. The Pope was dismayed; technically, only he had juristiction
over the Templars. But Philip's force's threatened the Pope, so he quickly went along
with the king. Philip would soon be dismayed as well. Templar spies had gotten wind
of the impending arrests. having commanded a large fighting force, a large navy, and
a large merchant fleet, and having posessed the world's largest bank, through which
they were close to aristocrats and clerics throughout Europe, the Templars had intelligence
operations that were certainly surerior to those of the French king.Jaques de
Molay called in the order's books and had them burned. Many knights went underground.
And perhaps, most significantly, the treasure held in Paris, the second most desired
posession of King Phillip, vanished..."
But behind the veil of history, we know this treasure did not vanish. We know that this
treasure helped to support the survival of these underground knights, who had established
connections all over the world, through legal and illegal means. We know that from the time
of the Crusades through the 20th century an handfull of families have controlled the desting of
the world, it's course in history, through welth, status, and inter-marriage.
For example, the Rothchilds?