Yes, grades: I conquered a difficult semester, and drove my
GPA up .58 points. I got an A in Tai Chi, no small feat considering
my accumulated abscences. I think I was one of the highest ranking
students in the class, as well. I've had a great instructor and some
marvelous advice from my friend Zak, whose been studying martial
arts since the tender age of six. Alot of things are coming into perspective
now, the more that I practice. I think I will start to post more on some of my
studies in martial theory, it's fascinating stuff, if you can guide your way though
it. It's funny, looking back on highschool and seeing a C-D grade student who didn't
care much become an A-B student who cares alot. It's a nice move forward.
By the way, I wanted to say thank you to all of those who posted kind words in my journal
before. It's something that's sometimes hard for me to say; I'm not used to alot of positive feedback
as of late. So, thank you for your suport. Bless you all.
GPA up .58 points. I got an A in Tai Chi, no small feat considering
my accumulated abscences. I think I was one of the highest ranking
students in the class, as well. I've had a great instructor and some
marvelous advice from my friend Zak, whose been studying martial
arts since the tender age of six. Alot of things are coming into perspective
now, the more that I practice. I think I will start to post more on some of my
studies in martial theory, it's fascinating stuff, if you can guide your way though
it. It's funny, looking back on highschool and seeing a C-D grade student who didn't
care much become an A-B student who cares alot. It's a nice move forward.
By the way, I wanted to say thank you to all of those who posted kind words in my journal
before. It's something that's sometimes hard for me to say; I'm not used to alot of positive feedback
as of late. So, thank you for your suport. Bless you all.

To me, the Poisonwood Bible was a really eye-opening book, and also a very touching story.. I think I learned more about Kongo's/'Zaire's history, and about Africa's history in general, than I've ever learnt in any schools I've went to! I couldn't stop reading the book.. It both made me a bit ashamed of living in the Western world that has exploited Africa so much, but also I fell more in love with Africa again, and would love to do more things now to help to make this world more fair to people who are living there..

Actually no, you didn't go off the deep end. It's an interesting concept. I've studied eastern philosophy a bit and Taoism seems to be the major force at work in my life (time was I would've said I was an artist by education, a chef by occupation, and a Taoist by inclination). I think alot of eastern thought is closer to the universal truth than western, but it's all part of the same big puzzle. On the vacation I just got back from I ran into three personal works by authors and researchers philosophies that set some of my cosmology on end. Two said the same thing though for different reasons (which was basically that each day is a fresh start and hence life is the future and not the past) and the third was the most scientific and in-depth research I've seen concerning the possiblity of re-incarnation (which was a mind-blowing article). It seems to further my idea that there is something greater than what we know of as the physical world, and possibly that there is some purpose to it all. I think anything that people might purport to be god or religion is a clue. Just as is everything you experience in life. The term guru is often mistaken to mean a wise old man, but it's not. The term has a much braoder meaning which is summed up by the word teacher. Anything that teaches you; a novel, a glance from a stranger, a religious text or experience, absolutely anything is a Guru. I think that opens up a huge range of potential for human growth to those who are observant. I'm actually rather curious about your studies into martial philosophy, for when I studied Shotokan Karate for a short while earlier this year I found that it taught me alot more than fighting techinques, and I look forward to being in a position to study the martials arts and sciences further one day.