So my friends and I just got back Tuesday from our trip to St. Joe and Saugatuck (fuck spelling) Michigan. Though it was a fun and cheap trip, it did have its moments. For example, my friends place that we were staying at hadn't been used in around 4 weeks, so it was covered in mouse shit, had septic tank problems, and had a family...
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Thanks for everyone who responded. I know that it is tough to reply to everyone's new posts, but I am trying to keep up to date. Enjoy the new and improved Motivational poster section in Pics.
And now, the update of my friends from the last post:
3 engaged
2 expecting their 1st kids
1 expecting their 2nd kid
1 expecting their 4th kid
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And now, the update of my friends from the last post:
3 engaged
2 expecting their 1st kids
1 expecting their 2nd kid
1 expecting their 4th kid
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Good lord, that's a lot of kids
I know, its been a while since I've posted. Sorry, but between work, school, other mindless crap (boozin, family stuff, friends, etc.) , not to mention that I have been a bit down in the dumps recently, means that I have had very little time to go online. Why so down? Well, over the last month and change I have had 1 friend get engaged...
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I predict doom.

Thanks for the congratulations! I really appreciate your support!
Any Tom Waits fans out there? If so, then hopefully you have picked up his latest work "Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers, and Bastards." Its a beautiful 3 disk set of spares and leftovers from other albums and random little bits. Brawlers is more of his loud and rowdy music, ala most of Blood Money. Bawlers is, as you can guess, the sad songs. Bastards is an...
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I dunno if I've heard stuff by him. I think I have. Who knows. I listen to so much stuff I forget who...

The problem with the dvd wasn't the dvd... it was us being too fucked up to work it.
Dead babies + tools + blood + ice cream cake = dead baby cake.

Dead babies + tools + blood + ice cream cake = dead baby cake.

Someone busted these out at a party yesterday:
Top 100 Jack Bauer Jokes
my favorites:
Kim Bauer was an accident. Not even the pill can stop Jack Bauer.
Jack Bauer sleeps with a gun under his pillow.
And of course, the classic Chuck Norris Jokes:
There are simply too many favorites to list
Top 100 Jack Bauer Jokes
my favorites:
Kim Bauer was an accident. Not even the pill can stop Jack Bauer.
Jack Bauer sleeps with a gun under his pillow.
And of course, the classic Chuck Norris Jokes:
There are simply too many favorites to list

So I saw Grindhouse last weekend, and it was damn funny! Between the classic 70's zombie flick and the car chase movie, plus the bas-ass fake trailers (they were all awesome, especially Machete and Werewolf Women of the SS), it was well worth the 8 bucks! Anyone else seen it? I've heard that theaters are going to split it up into 2 movies because so...
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It's well worth it! I hope I can see it at least one more time before it leaves theaters.

Grindhouse was awesome. I loved the "Thanksgiving" trailer.

I had the pleasure yesterday of standing up at my first wedding. Yeah, it was on Sunday, and yeah, I'm beat. With all of the work and running around that I've been doing, what with tux rental, rehersals, and drinking, I havn't had any time for myself in the last few weeks. Here are a few highlights of yesterdays events:
-15 Minute Ceremony, 90 Minutes...
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-15 Minute Ceremony, 90 Minutes...
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For everyone who doesn't like rap:
And all of us fans of both Tom Waits and Pirates of the Carribean:
And all of us fans of both Tom Waits and Pirates of the Carribean:

That's all fine & well but I think 50 Cent would bust a cap in white boy's ass.

So as you can probably tell from other posts, I just went paintballing for the first time. It was pretty fun, except for getting shot, but shit happens. Though it was outdoors, I was dressed in homemade "urban camo" (white collar shirt, blue tie, blue jeans). Yeah, I know that they saw me a mile away, but suprisingly, few people hit me, probably cause I'm...
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I've never went paintballing, however I watched an episode of Cheaters where a guy got pissed at the cameramen and started shooting them with paint balls. It was hilarious.

Anyone ever try online dating? I've been trying it for some time, and my question to you all is this: Is it just me, or are there a shit load of maniacs out there? 10%-20% of all of the women that I see on there are what I would consider "Normal", with the remainder falling into one of these categories:
1. Uneducated. Sorry, I like...
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1. Uneducated. Sorry, I like...
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Oh yeah, Easter... doesn't jesus turn into a rabbit and shit out colored eggs or something?

most wait...ALL of the guys ive dated from the internet have turned out to be dicks. i think it has something to do with not being able to go out in the world and comunicate like a normal person. not sure. but its bad news.
Glad to hear you had fun in MI =)
and actually, i am enjoying sleeping in verrrry muchly :yawn: